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Abstrak (Berisi Bastraknya saja, Judul dan Nama Tidak Boleh di Masukan)
Abstrak Berdasarkan hasil kajian preferensi konsumen, mie merupakan produk pangan yang paling sering dikonsumsi oleh sebagian besar masyarakat baik sebagai makanan sarapan maupun sebagai selingan. Sebagai komoditas tanaman pangan yang memiliki produktivitas tinggi, perlu dilakukan diversifikasi ubi kayu, jagung, sagu, beras dan sukun menjadi mie. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai gizi dan indeks glikemik mie berbahan baku non-terigu antara lain mie pati sukun, mie pati sagu, mie pati singkong, mie beras komersial, dan mie pati jagung komersial. Penelitian disusun dalam faktor tunggal dengan dua ulangan. Faktor tunggal tersebut adalah jenis mie yaitu mie pati sukun, mie pati sagu, mie pati singkong, mie beras komersial, dan mie pati jagung komersial. Data hasil penelitian dirata-rata dan disajikan secara deskriptif dalam bentuk diagram batang. Dari hasil penelitian di peroleh kandungan air kelima mie non-terigu berkisar antara 9%-10,2%. Kandungan protein berkisar antara 0,63% (bb)-3,66% (bb). Kandungan abu berkisar antara 0,15% (bb)-0,62% (bb). Kandungan lemak berkisar antara 0,31% (bb)-0,50% (bb). Kandungan serat kasar berkisar antara 0,23% (bb)-0,36% (bb). Kandungan karbohidrat berkisar antara 86,52% (bb)- 81,63% (bb). Kandungan total serat pangan kelima mie non-terigu berkisar antara (1,59% (bb)-6,08% (bb). Kandungan pati resisten berkisar antara 3,58% (bb)- 10,47% (bb). Daya cerna pati berkisar antara 25,07% (bb)-29,45% (bb). Kelima jenis produk mie berbahan baku non-terigu memiliki nilai indeks glikemik yang tergolong tinggi (>70) yaitu mie pati singkong sebesar 122,24, mie pati sukun sebesar 117,94, mie pati sagu sebesar 105,99, mie beras komersial sebesar 104,13, dan mie pati jagung komersial sebesar 100,18. Rendahnya kandungan serat pangan yang terkandung dalam produk (1,59%-6,08% bb) menyebabkan tinggi nya nilai indeks glikemik. Indeks glikemik dipengaruhi oleh daya cerna pati dan pati resisten. Tingginya Beban Glikemik mie pati sukun, mie pati sagu, mie pati singkong, mie beras komersial, dan mie pati jagung komersial berkaitan dengan nilai IG dan kandungan karbohidrat dalam bahan pangan. Kata kunci : Mie non-terigu, gizi, indeks glikemik Abstract According to the observation result of consumer preferences, noodles are consumed the most frequently by the citizens whether as their breakfast or only as interlude. As the food commodities with high productivity, need to be diversified upon cassavas, corns, sago, rice and breadfruit become noodles. The purpose of this research is to describe the nutrient values and glycemic index of non-wheat noodles i.e. breadfruit-essence noodles, sago-essence noodles, cassava-essence noodles, commercial-rice noodles, and corn-essence noodles. The research was arranged into single factor with double repetition. The single factor is the noodles, i.e. breadfruit-essence noodles, sago-essence noodles, cassava-essence noodles, commercial-rice noodles, and corn-essence noodles. All of the data of the research are managed into average value and served in form of bar diagram. Based on the result of the research, all the non-wheat noodles contained Water is about 9% - 10.2%, Protein is about 0.63% - 0.66%, Fat is about 0.31% - 0.50, rough fiber is about 0.23% - 0.36%, Carbohydrate is about 81.63% - 86.52%. Total food fibers of all the non-wheat noodles are 1.59% - 6.08%. Total resistant essence is about 3.58% - 10.47%. Absorbing effort of the essences is about 25.07% - 29.45%. All the non-wheat noodles relatively have high value of glycemic index (>70) i.e. cassava-essence noodle is 122.24, breadfruit-essence noodle is 117.94, sago-essence noodle is 105.99, commercial-rice noodle is 104.13, and commercial-corn noodle is 100.18. The low substance of food fiber in this products increase the value of glycemic index. Glycemic index is affected by absorbing effort of essence and the essence resistant. The high glycemic burden of breadfruit-esssence noodles, sago-essence noodles, cassava-essence noodles, commercial-rice noodles, and commercial-corn noodles are related to GI value and Carbohydrate in the food substances. Keywords : Non-wheat noodles, Nutrient, Glycemic Index
Jenis Karya Akhir: | Artikel |
Subyek: | |
Program Studi: | Fakultas Pertanian dan Pascasarjana |
Pengguna Deposit: | IC-STAR . 2015 |
Date Deposited: | 07 Sep 2015 04:22 |
Terakhir diubah: | 07 Sep 2015 04:22 |
URI: | http://digilib.unila.ac.id/id/eprint/12405 |
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