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Abstrak (Berisi Bastraknya saja, Judul dan Nama Tidak Boleh di Masukan)
Buah pepaya ‘California’ merupakan buah klimakterik, yang dicirikan dengan laju respirasinya yang tinggi, sehingga masa simpan buah menjadi pendek. Akibatnya pemecahan pati menjadi gula semakin tinggi yang dapat menyebabkan jaringan lebih peka terhadap serangan penyakit. Perlakuan kitosan dan suhu merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan masa simpan dan menekan pertumbuhan jamur Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh (1) kitosan sebagai fungisida dalam mengendalikan jamur C. gloeosporioides pada kondisi in vitro dan in vivo, (2) suhu simpan rendah dalam menekan pertumbuhan jamur C. gloeosporioides dan (3) interaksi pelapisan kitosan dan suhu simpan dalam menekan pertumbuhan jamur C. gloeosporioides. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Proteksi Tanaman dan Laboratorium Pascapanen Hortikultura, Jurusan Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Juli hingga September 2015 dengan dua sub-penelitian, yaitu secara in vitro dan in vivo. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Teracak Sempurna (RTS), dengan enam kombinasi perlakuan, yaitu kombinasi dari pelapis buah kitosan (1,25% dan 2,50%) dengan suhu {suhu ruang (27-28°C) dan suhu dingin (6-18°C)}. Kombinasi masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali sehingga jumlahnya adalah 18 satuan percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Aplikasi kitosan secara in vitro mampu secara efektif menekan pertumbuhan jamur Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc. hingga 100%, tetapi tidak efektif dalam kondisi in vivo, (2) perlakuan suhu dingin mampu menekan keparahan penyakit antraknosa secara in vitro dan in vivo, dan (3) terdapat interaksi antara perlakuan kitosan dan suhu simpan dalam menekan pertumbuhan jamur C. gloeosporioides. Dalam kondisi in vitro, aplikasi kitosan mampu 100% menekan pertumbuhan jamur C. gloeosporioides baik dalam kondisi suhu ruang maupun suhu dingin. Dalam kondisi in vivo, jamur C. gloeosporioides masih tetap tumbuh dengan baik dalam kondisi suhu ruang maupun suhu dingin. Kata kunci: in vitro, in vivo, jamur, kitosan, pepaya, suhu ABSTRACT 'California' papaya is a climacteric fruit, that is characterized by high respiration rate, so the storage period of the fruit is short. Due to degradation of starch into sugars, plant tissues are more susceptible to disease. Treatments of chitosan and temperature are ways to increase the storage period and suppress the growth of fungi Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc. This study was aimed at studying (1) the coating effect of chitosan as a fungicide to control fungus C. gloeosporioides on in vitro and in vivo condition, (2) the effect of low storage temperature to decrease the growth of fungi C. gloeosporioides and (3) studying the interaction effects of fruit chitosan and storage temperature treatments in decreasing the growth of fungus C. gloeosporioides. This research was conducted in the Plant Protection Laboratory and Laboratory of Horticultural Postharvest , Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The experiment was condueted in July-September 2015, and consisted of two sub experiments of in vitro and in vivo. Treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design, with six treatment combinations, consisting of fruit coatings of chitosan (1,25 and 2,50%) and storage temperatures (room and low temperatures). The combination of each treatment was repeated three times so that the number of units of the experiments was 18 units. The results showed that (1) the application of chitosan in vitro was able to suppress effectively the growth of fungi C. gloeosporioides up to 100%, but not effective in the condition in vivo, (2) low storage temperature treatment decreased significantly the fungal growth in vitro and reduced disease percentage in vivo, and (3) there was interaction of chitosan and storage temperature to suppress the growth of fungi C. gloeosporioides. In the condition of in vitro, the application of chitosan was able to 100% suppress the growth of fungi C. gloeosporioides in room and low storages. In the condition of in vivo, the fungi of C. gloeosporioides grew well in room and low storages. Keywords: chitosan, fungi, in vitro, in vivo, papaya, temperature
Jenis Karya Akhir: | Skripsi |
Subyek: | > Budidaya tanaman |
Program Studi: | Fakultas Pertanian dan Pascasarjana > Prodi Agroteknologi |
Pengguna Deposit: | 1307090 . Digilib |
Date Deposited: | 24 Mar 2017 09:13 |
Terakhir diubah: | 24 Mar 2017 09:13 |
URI: | http://digilib.unila.ac.id/id/eprint/26107 |
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