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Abstrak (Berisi Bastraknya saja, Judul dan Nama Tidak Boleh di Masukan)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik konsumen, sikap konsumen, tahapan pengambilan keputusan, strategi pemasaran, dan kinerja pemasaran Kopi Bubuk SBCBD dan Kopi Bubuk 49 di Kota Bandar Lampung. Dua merek kopi bubuk dipilih secara sengaja (purposive), dengan pertimbangan bahwa Kopi Bubuk SBCBD dan Kopi Bubuk 49 merupakan kopi bubuk terkenal dan belum terkenal di masyarakat. Sampel konsumen kopi sebanyak 70 orang yang dipilih melalui accidental sampling namun sampel strategi pemasaran dipilih secara sengaja (purposive) disesuaikan dengan tempat penelitian. Data penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif, dan model multiatribut fishbein. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ka rakteristik konsumen kopi didominasi oleh usia 15-64 tahun dengan pekerjaan sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang berpendidikan tamat SMA, dan memiliki 3-5 anggota keluarga. Frekuensi pembelian kopi bubuk oleh konsumen kurang dari 6 kali/bulan dengan pendapatan di atas Rp2.500.000,00/ bulan. Pada ukuran kemasan kopi bubuk, konsumen Kopi Bubuk SBCBD menyukai ukuran lebih dari >200 gram sedangkan konsumen Kopi Bubuk 49 menyukai ukuran kemasan 200 gram. Hasil analisis sikap konsumen menunjukkan bahwa atribut rasa pada kopi bubuk mendapat skor sikap tertinggi pada analisis sikap konsumen. Proses pengambilan keputusan konsumen dalam pembelian dua merek adalah sama, yaitu pengenalan kebutuhan, pencarian informasi, evaluasi alternatif, keputusan pembelian, dan evaluasi pasca pembelian. Strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan Kopi Bubuk SBCBD belum sepenuhnya menerapkan aspek bauran pemasaran seperti diversifikasi produk; sedangkan Kopi Bubuk 49 sudah menerapkan aspek bauran pemasaran. Kinerja pemasaran Kopi Bubuk SBCBD dilihat dari volume penjualan dan keuntungan dalam keadaan stabil tetapi dilihat dari pertumbuhan pelanggan tidak dapat menarik pelanggan baru; sedangkan kinerja pemasaran Kopi Bubuk 49 mengalami peningkatan. Kata kunci : keputusan pembelian, kopi bubuk, pemasaran, rasa, sikap ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the characteristics of consumers, consumers’ attitude, the stages of decision-making, marketing strategy, and marketing performance of Coffee Powder SBCBD and Coffee Powder 49 in Bandar Lampung. Two coffee brands were chosen purposively, namely SBCBD and 49 for its famous and unfamous for the community. The samples of coffee consumers were 70 people, chosen by accidental sampling. In addition, samples of the marketing strategy were chosen on purpose adjusted by the location of this research. The research data was analyzed by descriptive qualitative, descriptive quantitative and multi-attribute fishbein model. The results showed that coffee consumers are dominated by aged 15-64 years old people whose occupation as a housewife, graduated from high school, and have 3-5 family members. Frequency of purchasing coffee powder by consumers was less than 6 times per month with incomes more than Rp2,500,000.00 per month. Base on the packaging size of the coffee powder, the consumers of Coffee Powder SBCBD liked the packaging size that more than >200 grams, but the consumers of Coffee Powder 49 liked the packaging size of 200 grams. The result of the analysis of consumers’ attitude showed that the taste of coffee powder got the highest score on the analysis of consumers’ attitude. The stage of consumers’ purchasing decisions was through the introduction of coffee powder needs, information search, evaluation of alternative, purchase decision and post-purchase evaluation. The marketing strategy made by Coffee Powder SBCBD was not fully applying aspects of marketing mix such as diversification product; while Coffee Powder 49 have implemented aspects of marketing mix. The marketing performance of Coffee Powder SBCBD based on the volume sales and advantage was stable but based on the growth of consumers could not attract new consumers; while of Coffee Powder 49 had been increasing. Keywords: attitudes, coffee powder, marketing, purchasing decisions, taste
Jenis Karya Akhir: | Skripsi |
Subyek: | > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management > Pertanian ( Umum ) |
Program Studi: | Fakultas Pertanian dan Pascasarjana > Prodi Agribisnis |
Pengguna Deposit: | 12360927 . Digilib |
Date Deposited: | 27 Jul 2017 06:13 |
Terakhir diubah: | 27 Jul 2017 06:16 |
URI: | |
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