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Abstrak (Berisi Bastraknya saja, Judul dan Nama Tidak Boleh di Masukan)
Preah Vihear temple territorial dispute between Thailand and Cambodia has been going on since a long time. However, the conflict which led to casualties occurred again since the temple was named as a world heritage site by UNESCO. Various of problem-resolving both bilaterally and regionally has been done, however, the relations between the two countries were not being improved. The conflict actually extended from a point disputed as the result of differences in the interpretation of the Court's Judgement 1962, so that Cambodia applied interpretation of the 1962 Judgement back to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in 2011. The research was to investigate the process of the Preah Vihear temple dispute between Cambodia and Thailand, then the reason that became the legal basis of the International Court in deciding the dispute. This research was a normative law through data collection procedures derived from primary legal materials. Data obtained then processed were secondary data from literature studies. Materials were from the sources of International law related to International Court of Justice Regulation, International conventions and other relevant sources of law. The data were then used to explain the problem by looking at the facts associated with the rule of law and applicable legal theory. This study resulted in the conclusion that in the dispute settlement process of Preah Vihear temple, ICJ based on the article 60 Statute of ICJ and article 98 rules of Court. The Court has jurisdiction to interpret the 1962 Judgement. Trial processes were conducted through 5 stages started from the Application by Cambodia based on request on 28 April 2011 No. 151 then Provisional Measure to conduct cease-fire, Written Pleading about the difference of interpretation in 1962 Judgement delivered in the trial, Oral Pleading through presentation by both parties until Judgement 11 November 2013 No. 151. The legal basis in the settlement process consisted of United Nations Charter, the Statute of the Court, A.Novindri Aji Sukma Court Rules, 1978, Rules of Practice. The legal basis for the Court to resolve the dispute consisted of evidences of prior agreements by France and Siam, general principles of International Law such as the principle of Estoppel, supporting evidences such as Annex I map and other supporting documents, and the arguments of both sides in the trial, decision of 1962 Judgement that re-affirmed through interpretation of the ICJ's Judgement 11 November 2013. In the process of interpretation, ICJ adjudged that Cambodia's request for interpretation could be accepted, and the term of 'surrounding area' and 'area' had the same meaning, as well as the obligation of Thailand to withdraw troops from Cambodia's sovereign territory. It is expected that the implementation effort can be done effectively and minimize the conflict in the future and create peace between countries Keywords : International Court Judgement, Disputes, Temple of Preah Vihear, Thailand and Cambodia Sengketa wilayah Kuil Preah Vihear antara Thailand dan Kamboja telah berlangsung sejak lama. Namun, konflik yang menyebabkan korban kembali terjadi semenjak kuil tersebut dinobatkan sebagai situs warisan dunia oleh UNESCO. Berbagai usaha penyelesaian baik secara bilateral maupun regional telah dilakukan, namun hubungan kedua negara tidak kunjung mengalami perbaikan. Konflik yang terjadi justru meluas dari titik yang dipersengketakan akibat dari perbedaan dalam penafsiran putusan Mahkamah tahun 1962 sehingga Kamboja mengajukan penafsiran atas putusan tahun 1962 kembali ke Mahkamah Internasional pada tahun 2011. Penelitian ini menyelidiki mengenai proses penyelesaian sengketa kuil Preah Vihear antara Thailand dengan Kamboja serta alasan yang menjadi dasar hukum Mahkamah Internasional dalam memutus sengketa tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif melalui prosedur pengumpulan data yang berasal dari bahan hukum primer. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diolah yaitu data skunder dari studi kepustakaan. Materi dari sumber hukum internasional terkait pengaturan Mahkamah Internasional konvensi-konvensi Internasional dan sumber hukum lain yang terkait. Data tersebut kemudian digunakan untuk menjelaskan permasalahan dengan melihat fakta-fakta yang dikaitkan dengan aturan hukum dan teori hukum yang berlaku. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa dalam proses penyelesaian sengketa Kuil Preah Vihear Mahkamah Internasional berdasarkan kepada pasal 60 statuta Mahkamah dan pasal 98 aturan Mahkamah, Mahkamah memiliki yurisdiksi untuk menafsirkan putusan 1962. Proses persidangan melalui 5 tahap antara lain mulai dari Permohonan (Application) oleh Kamboja melalui permohonan 28 April 2011 No. 151, Kemudian Keputusan Sementara (Provisional Measure) untuk melakukan gencatan senjata, Pembelaan tertulis (Written Pleading) yang disampaikan mengenai perbedaan pendapat dari A.Novindri Aji Sukma keputusan 1962 dipersidangan, Pembelaan Lisan (Oral Pleading) melalui presentasi argumen para pihak sampai dengan Putusan (Judgement) 11 November 2013 No. 151. Dasar hukum dalam proses penyelesaian berupa Piagam Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, Statuta Mahkamah, Aturan Mahkamah 1978, Aturan Praktek. Dasar hukum Mahkamah dalam menyelesaikan yaitu bukti- bukti perjanjian terdahulu yaitu perjanjian antara Perancis dan Siam, prinsip hukum umum seperti prinsip Estoppel, bukti-bukti pendukung seperti peta Annex I serta bukti lainnya, dan argumen-argumen kedua belah pihak di persidangan. Dalam proses penafsiran sesuai dengan keputusan 11 November 2013 Mahkamah Internasional memutuskan bahwa permohonan penafsiran Kamboja dapat diterima, istilah ‘daerah sekitar’ dan ‘areal’ memiliki arti yang sama, serta kewajiban Thailand untuk menarik pasukan dari wilayah kedaulatan Kamboja. Diharapkan upaya pelaksanaan dapat dilakukan secara efektif dan dapat meminimalisir timbulnya konflik dikemudian hari dan menciptakan perdamaian antar negara. Kata Kunci : Putusan Mahkamah Internasional, Sengketa, Kuil Preah Vihear, Thailand dan Kamboja
Jenis Karya Akhir: | Skripsi |
Subyek: | > JX International law |
Program Studi: | Fakultas Hukum > Prodi Ilmu Hukum S1 |
Pengguna Deposit: | 222547 . Digilib |
Date Deposited: | 29 Sep 2014 02:01 |
Terakhir diubah: | 16 Apr 2015 06:29 |
URI: | http://digilib.unila.ac.id/id/eprint/3570 |
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