Angga Ferdiansyah, 1016021108 (2014) Politik Transaksional Antara Calon Bupati Dengan Masyarakat Pemilih Di Kecamatan Kotabumi Selatan Pada Pemilihan Bupati Lampung Utara Tahun 2013. FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK, Unila.
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Abstrak (Berisi Bastraknya saja, Judul dan Nama Tidak Boleh di Masukan)
ABSTRAK POLITIK TRANSAKSIONAL ANTARA CALON BUPATI DENGAN MASYARAKAT PEMILIH DI KECAMATAN KOTABUMI SELATAN PADA PEMILIHAN BUPATI LAMPUNG UTARA TAHUN 2013 Oleh ANGGA FERDIANSYAH Politik transaksional antara calon bupati dengan masyarakat pemilih di Kecamatan Kotabumi Selatan yaitu, seperti yang terjadi pada Kelurahan Kelapa Tujuh, dimana seseorang mendapatkan uang disertai gambar dari salah satu calon bupati, selain itu terjadi juga pada Kelurahan Tanjung Aman, dengan membagikan sarung, sembako dan bantuan sosial lainnya untuk mempengaruhi masyarakat agar memilih calon tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menggambarkan Politik Transaksional antara calon bupati dengan masyarakat pemilih di Kecamatan Kotabumi Selatan Pada Pemilihan Bupati Lampung Utara Tahun 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Proses politik transaksional dilakukan oleh tim pemenangan calon kepala daerah kepada masyarakat untuk mengangkat perolehan suara calon kepala daerah adalah dengan memberikan sembako, uang, ataupun bantun sosial lainnya; (2) Bentuk politik transaksional adalah berupa money politic, pemberian sembako, media promosi dan fasilitas umum pada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh tim dari pasangan calon kandidat untuk memberikan langsung kepada masyarakat pemilih; (3) Penyebab politik transaksional adalah dimana masyarakat menerima pemberian dan janji yang diberikan oleh salah satu tim pemenangan, serta adanya anggapan masyarakat bahwa hak pilih merupakan aset yang berharga, sehingga siapapun yang menginginkannya harus mengeluarkan biaya yang sepadan; (4) Dampak politik transaksional adalah suara yang masuk terhadap salah satu calon kepala daerah tidak murni dari aspirasi masyarakat sendiri dimana adanya indikasi politik transaksional dalam pilkada yang dilakukan di Kecamatan Kotabumi Selatan Kabupaten Lampung Utara. Kata kunci: Politik Transaksional, Calon Bupati, Masyarakat pemilih ABSTRACT THE TRANSACTIONAL POLITIC BETWEEN REGENT CANDIDATE AND VOTERS IN SOUTH KOTABUMI DISTRICT ON NORTH LAMPUNG REGENTIAL ELECTION 2013 By ANGGA FERDIANSYAH The transactional politic between regent candidate and society as voters in South Kotabumi, like occured in Kelapa Tujuh Village,voters received money along with the picture of one of the candidates; likewise it happened in Tanjung Aman Village where saroong (clothing), sembako (the nine daily primary foods), and other social aids were distributed to the society in order to influence the floating voters to elect that candidate. The purpose of this study is to find out and describe the transactional politic between the regent candidate and voters in South Kotabumidistrict on North Lampung regential election 2013. This study employed qualitative method. The data were gathered through observation, interviews and documentation. The result showed that: (1) the process of thetransactional politic was executed by the winning team of the regent candidate to the voters in order to gain votesand were done in form of distributing sembako, money, and other form of social aids; (2) the form of transactional politic are in form of money politic, sembako distribution, media promotion, and public services done by the winning team to the society; (3) the cause of transactional politic were when society received aids and promises from the candidates and also when society assumed that their votes are worthy and therefore whoever needs their votes must spend much; (4) the impact of the transactional politic was that the votes were invalid since they were not from the society aspiration, like what happened in South Kotabumi district, North Lampung. Keywords: Transactional Politic, Regent Candidate, Voters ABSTRACT THE TRANSACTIONAL POLITIC BETWEEN REGENT CANDIDATE AND VOTERS IN SOUTH KOTABUMI DISTRICT ON NORTH LAMPUNG REGENTIAL ELECTION 2013 By ANGGA FERDIANSYAH The transactional politic between regent candidate and society as voters in South Kotabumi, like occured in Kelapa Tujuh Village,voters received money along with the picture of one of the candidates, likewise it happened in Tanjung Aman Village where saroong (clothing), sembako (the nine daily primary foods), and other social aids were distributed to the society in order to influence the floating voters to elect that candidate. The purpose of this study is to find out and describe the transactional politic between the regent candidate and voters in South Kotabumidistrict on North Lampung regential election 2013. This study employed qualitative method. The data were gathered through observation,interviews and documentation. The result showed that: (1) the process of thetransactional politic was executed by the winning team of the regent candidate to the voters in order to gain votesand were done in form of distributing sembako, money, and other form of social aids; (2) the form of transactional politic are in form of money politic, sembako distribution, media promotion, and public services done by the winning team to the society; (3) the cause of transactional politic were when society received aids and promises from the candidates and also when society assumed that their votes are worthy and therefore whoever needs their votes must spend much; (4) the impact of the transactional politic was that the votes were invalid since they were not from the society aspiration, like what happened in South Kotabumi district, North Lampung. Keywords: Transactional Politic, Regent Candidate, Voters
Jenis Karya Akhir: | Skripsi |
Subyek: | |
Program Studi: | Fakultas ISIP > Prodi Ilmu Pemerintahan |
Pengguna Deposit: | UPT . Dito Nipati |
Date Deposited: | 22 Oct 2014 07:52 |
Terakhir diubah: | 22 Oct 2014 07:52 |
URI: | |
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