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Abstrak (Berisi Bastraknya saja, Judul dan Nama Tidak Boleh di Masukan)
Planetarium memegang peranan penting dalam tingkat kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang astronomi. Planetarium merupakan tempat untuk mendemonstrasikan simulasi pergerakan susunan bintang dan benda langit dengan bagian atap berbentuk kubah setengah lingkaran yang tidak dapat dibuka. Objek ini dapat dijadikan suatu destinasi wisata yang bersifat edukatif dan rekreatif. Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu tempat wisata di Indonesia. Yogyakarta memiliki peranan sebagai kota Pendidikan, kota budaya dan kota tujuan wisata. Yogyakarta juga memiliki predikat sebagai destinasi pendidikan perlu mengakomodir kebutuhan masyarakat yang edukatif. Dalam perancangan Planetarium sebagai sarana edukasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dan keingintahuan tentang astronomi di masa depan, serta dapat menjadi ikon dan dapat berkontribusi bagi perkembangan perekonomian kota, dibutuhkan suatu pendekatan perancangan yang iii menjadi solusi agar fasilitas ini berhasil yaitu dengan menggunakan pendekatan analogi system tata surya maka didapatkan model Planetarium yang saling berhubungan antara fungsi bangunan dan desain bangunan, diharapkan dapat memberikan sebuah pengalaman ruang seperti beada di luar angkasa dan unik. sehingga tercipta desain Planetarium yang dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan objek astronomi saat sedang berekreasi. Kata Kunci : Planetarium, Yogyakarta, analogi, Sistem Tata Surya The lack of comprehensive tourism with based educational facilities in the world of astronomy is the basis for the importance of designing a planetarium facility in Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta. The high interest in the world of astronomy in Yogyakarta is marked by the existence of a community of astronomy enthusiasts, which is the Jogja Astro Club (JAC). Besides that, Yogyakarta is also famous as a city of tourism, culture, and education. So that the planetarium facility there is considered important to become a learning platform for the community, especially students and also astronomers enthusiasts there. Existing facilities include a star theatre, a solar system gallery space, a historical gallery of astronomical events, an observation area to a library, and a discussion room. In designing this Planetarium facility, an analogy approach is used. From several kinds of analogy approaches, the direct analogy method is used. In its application, the direct analogy has two main principles, namely by comparing an object with several functions of the designed building and helping to stimulate design ideas from v existing formations and systems. So that these two principles can help formulate how the building will look and explain the system in it. In this case, the Solar System becomes the object of Analog design. The Solar System was chosen as an analog object because the solar system is closely related to the building object, namely the Planetarium which is observed in it is the Solar System itself. It can help explain the purpose of this Planetarium through its design inspired by analog objects. Design aspects are stimulated from analog objects such as the site concept, the concept of mass, the concept of the facade, the room space pattern to the interior concept. It is hoped that apart from being able to assist in the design process, the use of the analogy method can represent what is being described in this Planetarium. Key Words : Planetarium, Yogyakarta, analogy, solar system
Jenis Karya Akhir: | Skripsi |
Subyek: | 600 Teknologi (ilmu terapan) > 620 Ilmu teknik dan ilmu yang berkaitan |
Program Studi: | Fakultas Teknik > Prodi S1-Teknik Arsitektur |
Pengguna Deposit: | UPT . Desi Zulfi Melasari |
Date Deposited: | 23 May 2022 02:14 |
Terakhir diubah: | 23 May 2022 02:14 |
URI: | |
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