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Abstrak (Berisi Bastraknya saja, Judul dan Nama Tidak Boleh di Masukan)
ABSTRAK Tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) adalah salah satu tanaman penghasil gula yang banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Berdasarkan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) tahun 2022, produksi tebu di Indonesia mencapai 2,41 juta ton per tahun. Peningkatan produksi gula berdampak pada peningkatan limbah padat berupa bagas tebu. Bagas tebu menandung 25 – 30% sisa organik dari total tebu yang diolah, tersusun atas senyawa polisakarida yaitu selulosa, lignin, hemiselulosa, abu, dan etanol/dichloro methane extract. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat fungi yang mampu mendegradasi bagas tebu dari perkebunan tebu di Way Kanan, Lampung; menganalisis pengaruh substrat jagung dan onggok terhadap jumlah koloni inokulum fungi; menganalisis penurunan bobot dan ratio C/N degradasi bagas tebu menggunakan inokulum substrat jagung dan substrat onggok. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Universitas Lampung, Laboratorium Sumberdaya Energi, Bahan Bakar dan Lingkungan – Serpong dan Laboratorium Pati – BRIN Anak Tuha Lampung Tengah, dari bulan November 2023 s.d April 2024. Penelitian dilakukan secara faktorial dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Faktor pertama jenis substrat; jagung (A1), dan onggok (A2). Faktor kedua adalah isolat yang digunakan yaitu isolat komersial/kontrol (B1), isolat fungi diduga Trichoderma sp. (B2), isolat diduga fungi Coprinus sp. (B3), dan isolat diduga fungi Neurospora sp. (B4), dengan pengulangan 3 kali. Parameter yang diamati adalah jumlah inokulum, bobot degradasi bagas tebu dan rasio C/N . Data diperoleh heterogen dan tidak normal maka dilakukan uji Kruskal-Wallis, dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Mann- Whitney pada taraf 5%. Karena uji Kruskal-Wallis tidak menunjukkan adanya beda nyata akibat perlakuan. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah sembilan isolat yaitu tujuh diantaramya termasuk ke dalam genus Trichoderma, satu genus Coprinus dan satu genus Neurospora. Penggunaan substrat jagung dan onggok tidak menunjukkan perbedaan jumlah koloni yang nyata. Penurunan bobot serta rasio C/N selama 28 hari dengan pemberian inokulum fungi tidak menunjukkan hasil yang baik. Kata Kunci : Bagas Tebu, Fungi, Inokulum, Jagung, Onggok ABSTRACT Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is one of the sugar-producing plants that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. Based on the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2022, sugarcane production in Indonesia reached 2.41 million tons per year. The increase in sugar production has an impact on the increase in solid waste in the form of sugarcane bagasse. Sugarcane bagasse contains 25-30% of the organic residue of the total sugarcane processed, consisting of polysaccharide compounds, namely cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose, ash, and ethanol/dichloro methane extract. This study aims to obtain fungal isolates that are able to degrade sugarcane bagasse from sugarcane plantations in Way Kanan, Lampung; analyze the effect of corn and cassava residue substrates on the number of fungal inoculum colonies; analyze the decrease in weight and C/N ratio of sugarcane bagasse degradation using corn and cassava substrate inoculum. The research was conducted at the Microbiology Laboratory of the University of Lampung, the Energy, Fuel and Environmental Resources Laboratory - Serpong and the Starch Laboratory - BRIN Anak Tuha Central Lampung, from November 2023 to April 2024. The research was conducted factorially in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The first factor was the type of substrate; corn (A1), and cassava pulp (A2). The second factor was the isolate used, namely the commercial/control isolate (B1), the suspected Trichoderma sp. fungal isolate. (B2), the suspected Coprinus sp. fungal isolate. (B3), and the suspected Neurospora sp. fungal isolate. (B4), with 3 repetitions. The parameters observed were the amount of inoculum, the weight of sugarcane bagasse degradation and the C/N ratio. The data obtained were heterogeneous and not normal, so the Kruskal-Wallis test was carried out, followed by the Mann-Whitney further test at the 5% level. Because the Kruskal-Wallis test did not show any significant difference due to the treatment. The results obtained were nine isolates, seven of which were included in the genus Trichoderma, one genus Coprinus and one genus Neurospora. The use of corn and cassava substrates did not show any significant differences in the number of colonies. The decrease in weight and C/N ratio for 28 days with the provision of fungal inoculum did not show good results. Keywords: sugarcane bagasse, fungi, inoculum, corn, pile
Jenis Karya Akhir: | Tesis (Masters) |
Subyek: | 500 ilmu pengetahuan alam dan matematika 500 ilmu pengetahuan alam dan matematika > 570 Biologi |
Program Studi: | FAKULTAS MIPA > Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi |
Pengguna Deposit: | A.Md Cahya Anima Putra . |
Date Deposited: | 22 Feb 2025 03:20 |
Terakhir diubah: | 22 Feb 2025 03:20 |
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