@misc{eprints10153, month = {Mei}, title = {STUDI KINERJA GENSET BIOGAS KAPASITAS 750 WATT DENGAN BAHAN BAKAR BIOGAS DARI LIMBAH KELAPA SAWI}, author = {1014071032 fadli marotin}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/10153/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK Penggunaan energi semakin meningkat, baik penggunaan energi langsung maupun menkonversi energi ke dalam bentuk energi lainnya. Proyeksi kebutuhan listrik dari tahun 2003-2020 yang dilakukan Dinas Perencanaan Sistem PT PLN (Persero) dan Tim Energi BPPT terjadi kenaikan kebutuhan listrik sebesar 6,50\% pertahun. Biogas adalah campuran gas yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri metanogenik yang terjadi pada material yang dapat terurai secara alami dalam keadaan anaerob. Biogas umumnya terdiri dari gas metan (CH4) antara 50,00-60,00 \%, gas karbondioksida (CO2) sebesar 30,00-40,00 \%, hidrogen (H2) dan sebagian kecil gas-gas lainnya sebesar 1,00-2,00 \%. Limbah agroindustri kelapa sawit berpotensi sebagai bahan baku biogas, tercatat sekitar 13.761.239 ton/tahun tandan buah segar dihasilkan dari perkebunan seluas 4.868.086 Ha. Biogas dapat dikonversi menjadi energi listrik menggunakan genset biogas. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui potensi biogas dari limbah kelapa sawit dan kinerja genset biogas. Produksi biogas proses fermentasi basah dengan bahan baku POME dengan laju pengumpanan 150 liter POME/ hari dan proses fermentasi kering dengan bahan baku TKKS dengan 4 digester masing-masing berisi 20 kg TKKS. Produksi biogas dari fermentasi basah rata-rata 1,91 m3/hari dan dari fermentasi kering rata-rata 0,11 m3/hari. Biogas yang dihasilkan dari kedua proses mengandung 56,48\% metana. Kadar H2S dikurangi hingga 96,94\% menggunakan biofilter dan hasilnya biogas dengan kadar H2S sebesar 12,91 ppm. Kinerja genset biogas cukup baik dilihat dari pemakaian biogas spesifik hanya sebesar 0,62 liter per watt per jam pada beban 700 watt dan efisiensi termal efektif sebesar 30,00 \% pada beban 600 watt. ABSTRACT The use of energy is more increasing, either the usage of direct energy or the converting energy into other forms of energy. Projections of electricity needs in 2003-2020 were conducted by a System Planning Department PT PLN (Persero). Moreover, Energy Team BPPT increases in demand at 6.50\% per annum. Biogas is a mixture of gases produced by methanogenic bacteria which occur in materials and can be naturally decomposed in the anaerobic state. Biogas is generally composed of 50.00-60.00\% methane (CH4), 30.00-40.00\% carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen (H2) and a small percent of gases 1.00-2.00\%. Potential oil palm of Agro Industry waste is as a raw material biogas. It is approximated 13,761,239 tons per year of fresh fruit bunches which produced from 4,868,086 hectares. Biogas can be converted into electrical energy by using biogas generators. The purpose of this research is to know the potential of biogas from palm oil waste and biogas of generator works. Wet fermentation process of biogas production was raw materials POME by a feed rate of 150 liters POME per day. Dry fermentation production was a raw materials TKKS by 4 digesters which contains 20 kg of TKKS. The biogas production from wet fermentation is about 1, 91 m3 per day and dry fermentation is about 0.11 m3 per day. The biogas which was produced by both process contains 56, 48\% of methane. The amount of H2S is decreased up to 96, 94\% by using bio filter and the result of biogas with amount of H2S is as big as 12, 91 ppm. The works of biogas generator was good enough which was seen by the use of specific biogas is about 0, 62 liters per watt per hour at load of 700 watt. More than that, the term essential was effective is about 30, 00\% at load of 600 watt} }