%A 1113042033 Firma Pradesta Amanah %T SIMPLE PAST TENSE ERRORS IN RECOUNT TEXT MADE BY THE THIRD GRADE STUDENTS OF SMAN 1 PRINGSEWU %X ABSTRACT SIMPLE PAST TENSE ERRORS IN RECOUNT TEXT MADE BY THE THIRD-GRADE STUDENTS By: Firma Pradesta Amanah The purpose of this research was to find out the types and percentages of errors made by the students in using simple past tense in writing recount text. The method used was descriptive method. The sources of data in this research were the third grade students of senior high school year 2014/2015 in SMAN 1 Pringsewu. One class was taken as the sample to be investigated about the use of simple past tense and the grammatical errors in their recount text writing. Then, the data were classified based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy and Communicative Effect Taxonomy. Based on the results of the analysis, the errors made by the students were 200 items. It could be inferred that the highest frequency of errors based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy was misformation that was 55.50%. And omission placed on the second that was 21.00%. Then, after omission there was addition on the third place that was 12.00%. At last was misordering consisted of 3.66%. Then, based on Communicative Effect Taxonomy, global errors were counted for 9.95% and local errors were 34.82%. Local error was the error which did not hinder communication significantly, so their writing could still be understood by the readers. The conclusion on the result of this research was most of the students at third grade of SMAN 1 Pringsewu still committed all four errors types of Surface Strategy Taxonomy and two errors types of Communicative Effect Taxonomy. It means that although the students were taught English 12 hours in a week, they still had problem with English grammar, especially in simple past tense. In other words, they still made many errors in the use of simple past tense. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2015 %I FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN %L eprints10282