@mastersthesis{eprints10383, month = {Mei}, title = {PENGARUH PEMBERIAN TAURIN TERHADAP GAMBARAN HISTOPATOLOGI JARINGAN PARU MENCIT (Mus musculus) YANG DIINDUKSI KARSINOGEN BENZO({\ensuremath{\alpha}})PIREN SECARA IN VIVO }, school = {Universitas Lampung}, author = {1327021011 Arini Pradita Roselyn}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/10383/}, abstract = {PENGARUH PEMBERIAN TAURIN TERHADAP GAMBARAN HISTOPATOLOGI JARINGAN PARU MENCIT (Mus musculus) YANG DIINDUKSI KARSINOGEN BENZO({\ensuremath{\alpha}})PIREN SECARA IN VIVO ABSTRAK Oleh Arini Pradita Roselyn Kanker paru merupakan salah satu penyakit penyebab kematian tertinggi manusia. Umumnya obat yang digunakan untuk mencegah dan menyembuhkan kanker berakibat toksin pada jaringan tubuh karena kerjanya yang kurang efektif. Oleh karena itu diperlukan obat baru dari senyawa organik sebagai alternatif yang efektif dan aman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh taurin terhadap kerusakan jaringan paru mencit (Mus musculus) yang diinduksi benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})piren. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan rancangan acak lengkap. Mencit diberi 6 kelompok perlakuan dan masing-masing perlakuan terdiri dari 5 ekor sebagai ulangan. Kelompok I (diberi 0,2 ml minyak jagung dan diberi akuadest sampai akhir masa penelitian), II (diinduksi dengan benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})piren tanpa pemberian bahan uji), III (sebelum diinduksi benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})piren, diberi dosis taurin 7,8 mg/BB mencit/hari selama dua minggu), IV (setelah diinduksi benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})piren, diberi taurin dosis 3,9 mg/BB mencit/hari), V (setelah diinduksi benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})piren, diberi taurin dosis 7,8 mg/BB mencit/hari), VI (setelah diinduksi benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})piren, diberi taurin dosis 15,6 mg/BB mencit/hari). Hasil analisis dengan Kruskal-Wallis dan one way anova dilanjutkan BNT pada taraf nyata 5\% menunjukkan pemberian taurin sebagai upaya preventif dan terapoitik dapat mengurangi kerusakan jaringan paru akibat pemberian benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})piren 0,3 mg/BB mencit/hari sebesar 72,73 \% dan dosis taurin yang efektif mengurangi tingkat kerusakan jaringan paru adalah 15,6 mg/BB mencit/hari. Kata kunci : taurin, histopatologi paru, benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})piren. TAURINE EFFECT ON LUNG HISTOPHATOLOGY OF MICE (Mus musculus) INDUCED BY CARCINOGEN BENZO({\ensuremath{\alpha}})PYRENE IN VIVO ABSTRACT By Arini Pradita Roselyn Lung cancer is a disease that causes high mortality. Drug used to prevent and cure cancer mostly causes intoxicity to the normal tissues due to its less effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to find out any agent or substance which works much more effective and safe for cancer treatment. The aims of the study was to elucidate the role of taurine on the lung tissue of mice (Mus musculus) induced by carcinogenic benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})pyrene. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with 5 replications. Six treatment groups were perfomed. Group I was given 0,2 ml of corn oil and given akuadest until the end of the study period, group II was induced by benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})pyrene without administration of taurine, group III before induced with benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})pyrene, was given taurine dosage 7,8 mg/BWmice/day for two weeks, group IV after induced benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})pyrene, was given taurine with dosage 3,9 mg/BWmice/day, group V after induced benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})pyrene, was given taurine with dosage7, 8 mg/BWmice/day, group VI after induced benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})pyrene, was given taurine with dosage 15.6 mg/BWmice/day. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis analysis and one way ANOVA with LSD (p{\ensuremath{>}}0,05) showed that taurine reduced lung tissue damage 72,73\% due to the administration of benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})pyrene of 0,3 mg/BWmice/day. In addition, the effective dose of taurine reduced lung tissue damage was 15,6 mg/BWmice/day. Keywords: benzo({\ensuremath{\alpha}})phyren, lung, histhopatology, taurine } }