creators_name: Ide Lia Marzuki, 1323012011 creators_id: type: thesis datestamp: 2015-06-26 04:47:49 lastmod: 2015-06-26 04:47:49 metadata_visibility: show title: PENGEMBANGAN BUDAYA DAN IKLIM SEKOLAH DI SMA NEGERI 2 BANDAR LAMPUNG ispublished: pub subjects: L1 subjects: LB full_text_status: restricted abstract: Abstrak Penilitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dan mendiskripsikan pengembangan budaya dan iklim sekolah, yaitu; (1) Strategi pengembangan budaya sekolah; (2) Sasaran pengembangan budaya sekolah; (3) Strategi pengembangan iklim sekolah; dan (4) sasaran pengembangan iklim sekolah di SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan kualitatif fenomenologi, yang bersumber pada pengamatan dilapangan, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan model interaktif, selanjutnya diambil kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian didapat: (1) Strategi pengembangan budaya sekolah meliputi merinci, melaksanakan program akselerasi, mengadakan program pembelajaran dalam mendongkrak prestasi belajar, menjalin hubungan baik, berkoordinasi dengan lingkungan sekitar, dan mengembangkan program kewirausahaan; (2) Sasaran pengembangan budaya, menerapkan modernisasi pengelolaan sekolah dengan mengaplikasikan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, menerapkan modernisasi guru, memfasilitasi melanjutkan studi S2 serta pelatihan-pelatihan peningkatan profesional guru, modernisasi pembelajaran mewajibkan guru dapat mengoperasikan teknologi komputerisasi; (3) Strategi pengembangan iklim sekolah memiliki tanggung jawab yang tinggi, memberikan kebebasan kepada warga sekolah untuk berinovatif, memiliki standar guna mencapai hasil yang memuaskan, memiliki kejelasan akan tujuan-tujuan sekolah tertulis dalam visi dan misi sekolah yang berpedoman dengan pancasila, penghargaan berupa pujian-pujian dan pengakuan atas kerja keras warga sekolah.; (4) Sasaran pengembangan iklim sekolah, sangat memperhatikan tingkat kenyamanan sekolah, memaksimalkan proses pengajaran pembelajaran, menjalin hubungan interpersonal antara siswa dengan siswa, guru, dan orang tua dengan membiasakan tegur, salam, dan sapa, menjalin kerjasama dengan lembaga lingkungan baik itu kepolisian, pamong sekitar, dan pihak swasta. Kata Kunci: pengembangan, budaya, iklim sekolah Abstract This research aims to analyze and describe the development of culture and school climate, namely; (1) Strategies of the development of school the culture; (2) Target of the development of school the culture; (3) Strategies of the development of school climate; and (4) Target of the development of school climate in Senior High School 2 Bandar Lampung. This research uses the phenomenology qualitative research design, which is based on field observation, documentation, and interview. Such data is analyzed by an interactive model for furthermore be taken conclusion. Result of the research: (1) Strategies of the development of school culture, includes implement the accelerated program, hold a the learning program in increasing student achievement, establish good relations, coordinating with surrounding environment, and developing the entrepreneurial program; (2) Target of the development of cultural include, implement modernization of school management by applying information and communication technologies, implement modernization of teachers by facilitating in continued master studies as well as the professional development trainings of teacher, modernization of learning requires teachers to be able operate technology computerized; (3) Strategies of the development of school climate has a high responsibility, giving freedom to people in schools to always innovating, have standards in order to achieve satisfactory results, have clarity of the objectives are written in vision and mission of school is guided by Pancasila, as well as the award given in the form of praise and recognition for the hard work school community; (4) Target of the development of school climate, very attentive to level comfort of school, maximize the teaching process of learning, interpersonal relationships between students and students, teachers, and parents to get used scold, greeting and courtesie, cooperation with environmental institution either police, officials around, and the private sector. Key words : development, culture, climate school date: 2015-06-11 date_type: published institution: Universitas Lampung department: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan thesis_type: masters citation: Ide Lia Marzuki, 1323012011 (2015) PENGEMBANGAN BUDAYA DAN IKLIM SEKOLAH DI SMA NEGERI 2 BANDAR LAMPUNG. Masters thesis, Universitas Lampung. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: