@misc{eprints10581, month = {April}, title = { FACTORS THAT LEAD TO THE INTENSITY OF CHILDREN WORKING IN THE INFORMAL SECTOR }, author = {Desi Lestari 0856011007}, year = {2012}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/10581/}, abstract = {ABSTRACT FACTORS THAT LEAD TO THE INTENSITY OF CHILDREN WORKING IN THE INFORMAL SECTOR (Studies in the Seller peddlers, shoeshine and newspaper seller in the District of Raja Basa Bandar Lampung) By: Desi Lestari The emergence of children who work in the informal sector as hawkers example, shining shoes and selling newspapers urbanisaisi related problems by their parents, poverty, and the high cost of living in the city, especially the cost of education. The majority of labor migrants are from rural and suburban communities who come to urban areas can not live a decent life, because they are less equipped with the skills and education to try his fortune in the cities, so that they become marginal in urban areas or to the poor in the city. Formulation of the problem in this study is: "How do family economic factors, and factors dependents factor leading to increased intensity of child labor in the informal sector. The purpose of this study was to determine whether family economic factors, and factors dependents can lead to increased intensity of child labor in the informal sector? Type of research is a descriptive type of research that portray the state of an object to be examined in the current condition, based on factors that exist. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using analysis of single tables and cross tables. Based on the results of research and discussions tailored to the research focus of the obtained findings that suggest that the analysis of economic relations with the intensity level of the working families of children who work in the informal sector has a high level of labor intensity. High labor intensity is due to respondents consisted of families of low economic level. Analysis of the relationship the number of dependents with work intensity levels in children in the informal sector has a high level of work intensity, high labor intensity is because the respondent has a number of dependents in the family or the number of their relatives in a house composed of 5 to 7 children or brothers in one family Keywords: Factors, Work Intensity, and the Informal Sector } }