%A 1113042060 Nita Sitta Rachma %T THE EFFECT OF LEARNING STYLE ON STUDENTS? READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT AT THE FIRST GRADE OF SMAN 10 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF LEARNING STYLE ON STUDENTS? READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT AT THE FIRST GRADE OF SMAN 10 BANDAR LAMPUNG By Nita Sitta Rachma Many students have probably noticed that when they try to learn something new in classroom, some of them prefer to learn by listening carefully to the teacher who talks about information while the rest will understand better by seeing a direct demonstration from the teacher. It shows that each student has a different way of responding new information in the context of learning. That is what many people called learning style, a student?s characteristic dealing with strengths and weaknesses in taking and processing information. Talking about information, reading becomes one of the most important skills in learning English which many students have not mastered yet in gaining and comprehending information of a text. It is important for the teacher to know what kind of learning style students have in order to create such an appropriate technique in teaching because students will be more successful in getting information if the teachers match their way of teaching to students? learning styles. Dealing with the problem, this research is aimed to find out whether there was a significant effect of learning style on students? reading comprehension at the first grade of SMAN 10 Bandar Lampung. In this research, the researcher used non co-relational of ex post facto design. The data are taken by using questionnaire and reading test. The data were analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment- One Way ANOVA in SPSS 16.0 and the result showed that F-table score of learning style on students? reading comprehension is 1. 067 and the significant value is .380, which means that score was higher than the coefficient significant score at the .05 level (.380 > .05). So, it can be concluded that there is no significant effect of learning style on students? reading comprehension achievement. Moreover, the researcher tried to analyze the data deeper by using post hoc test in order to find out what learning style would have higher mean score compared to other learning style. Based on the result, Kinesthetic reaches the highest mean score of reading, that is 78.0. The mean score of auditory is in range 72.0 to 74.0, while the mean score of visual in range 70.0 to 72.0. It means that kinesthetic tend to be the best learning style in reading comprehension achievement among the others. %C Universitas Lampung %D 2015 %I Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan %L eprints10820