%A Deny Wijaya K 0746031017 %J Digital Library %T GROUP COMMUNICATION WITHIN THE ART CLUB ANGKONAN KENALI DUA OF SURABAYA IN THE CONSERVATION OF SEGATA %X ABSTRACT GROUP COMMUNICATION WITHIN THE ART CLUB ANGKONAN KENALI DUA OF SURABAYA IN THE CONSERVATION OF SEGATA By Deny Wijaya K Diversity of art and culture is one of Indonesian character that differentiate among other countries. This diversity all at once as a rich of nation that unvalues. To conserved and heritanced to next generation. It is really values and education that can get pint from each art and traditional cultures be references in national and country life one of it is traditional art came from Lampung province, that is Segata. Segata is one of oral art in form of traditional poetry consist of nature and social life and in this Segata each verse of whch consist of fourteens wich each verse end bt a-b-a-b. Commonly this Segata used in traditional ceremony or other cultures procession and also in the celebration lie as nyambay, miyah, kedayek. Besides that usually Segata performed by teenager with accompaniment by traditional music such as gong, bamboo instrument etc. This objectives of the research is to know the functions and roles of group communication within the art club Angkonan Kenali dua of Surabaya in the conservation of Segata at Kenali village, Belalau district West Lampung district. This is qualitataive research. Informations sourcetook as sampling purposive, in this case, informan choosed based on comprehension and knowledge concernt with group commnication in an effort conservation Segata art. In this research researcher uses interview, literature review and documentation in collecting the data. Based on the objectives of the research above, the writer canconclused that function and roles of the group communication within the art club Angkonan Kenali dua of Surabaya in the conservation of Segata is to involves social interacs between members and group, education function, persuasion ability, problem solving function and teraphy function. Nevertheles, writer suggests to art studios to continue the program that running such as kakuppulan, training activity, guidance and should increased frequency of perform. So that club Angkonan Kenali dua of Surabaya be improved and increased in Lampung traditional art conservation. The last, kakuppulan activity can running as mediation in problem solving faced in club and also can create vision, mission and also objectives of club Angkonan Kenali dua of Surabaya in Lampung traditional art like as Segata. %D 2012 %L eprints11017