creators_name: Risky Endasari, 0913042076 creators_id: type: other datestamp: 2015-07-24 06:54:19 lastmod: 2015-07-24 06:54:19 metadata_visibility: show title: A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN STUDENTS WITH HIGH AND LOW CRITICAL THINKING SKILL TOWARDS SPEAKING PARTICIPATION AT FIRST GRADE OF SMAN 9 BANDAR LAMPUNG ispublished: pub subjects: General subjects: LC full_text_status: restricted abstract: Critical thinking becomes an issue in education now. It is assumed as one of key success in teaching learning process. Many researchers have proved that critical thinking contributes towards students’ successful learning. Therefore, this research is intended to find out whether or not there is a difference speaking participation between the students with high and those with low critical thinking skill. This research was quantitative research. This research used ex post facto design. The population was second semester students at the first year consists of eleven classes. The samples were selected by using simple random sampling from the first grade students of SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung that consists of 30 students. The instruments of this research are questionnaire of critical thinking skill and observation sheet of a speaking activity. The data were collected by means of test and were analyzed by using SPSS at the significant level 0.05. Based on the data analysis, the result showed that there was a significant correlation between students’ critical thinking skill and their participation in speaking activity. The result showed that Fvalue is 16.256 with N 30, while Ftable is 3.35. Thus, Fvalue > Ftable ; meaning the correlation is significant. Then, based on Post Hoc Test the most different mean was showed by high and low critical thinking skill students. Therefore, for hypothesis 1, the research hypothesis (H1) was accepted and the null hypothesis (H01) was rejected. While for hypothesis 2, the research showed that students with high critical thinking skill gained the highest score on fluency aspect, thus null hypothesis (H02) was accepted and the research hypothesis (H2) was rejected. The conclusions are there is difference in speaking participation between high and low critical thinking skill students and students with high critical thinking skill gain the highest score on fluency aspect. date: 2015-05-19 date_type: published publisher: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan place_of_pub: Universitas Lampung institution: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG department: FKIP thesis_type: other citation: Risky Endasari, 0913042076 (2015) A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN STUDENTS WITH HIGH AND LOW CRITICAL THINKING SKILL TOWARDS SPEAKING PARTICIPATION AT FIRST GRADE OF SMAN 9 BANDAR LAMPUNG. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Lampung. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: