%0 Journal Article %A 0856031002, Ahmad Faruk Fahlemban %D 2012 %F eprints:11108 %J Digital Library %T GAYA HIDUP FANSCLUB TERHADAP IDOLANYA %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/11108/ %X ABSTRACT THE LIFESTYLE OF FANSCLUB TOWARD IDOL (A Study to Virginity Lampung) By Ahmad Faruk Fahlemban Communication could not be separated from mankind wherever they are. With all of its attribution, communication has formed into lifestyle. Lifestyle is a tool for one to show the personal or group’s identity characteristics. Lifestyle could also be affected by public figures that were perceived by people, or in short the idol to fans. As in Fansclub Virginity Lampung, a social group that have special element to shape their lifestyles where they were also affected by their idol The Virgin Band. This lifestyle also became interaction tool to other communities from different places in forming mutual meaning to reflect their group’s identity. The main questions of this research are: Lifestyle of Fansclub Virginity Lampung: 1) The meaning that was communicated by fashion attributes of Fansclub Virginity Lampung; 2) The interpretation tendencies of Fansclub Virginity Lampung members toward the expression of their idols; 3) The phrases that being used to communicate in Fansclub Virginity Lampung. This research was aimed answer these main questions. This is a qualitative research with descriptive method, the data were gathered by interview observation, documentation and literature study. This research focused on the meanings from fashion attributes of Fansclub Virginity Lampung members, the interpretation tendency of Fansclub Virginity Lampung member toward the expression of their idol, and the phrases that being used in communication among Fansclub Virginity Lampung members. The informants were members of Fansclub Virginity Lampung, they were chosen by purposive sampling method. The theory that supported this research is Symbolic Interaction Theory. The data were analyzed by reducing, displaying and verification. The result of this research shows that many members of Fansclub Virginity Lampung wore The Virgin’s shirt and had short hair cut similar with Mitha The Virgin. The meaning that they tried to communicate through this appearance was to show their admiration to The Virgin. So then it also created mutual meaning in appearance styles. In understanding the expression of their idols, every member had different perception. It showed by the level of admiration and time period of them to the people who were perceived as public figures in Fansclub Virginity Lampung. The members of Fansclub Virginity Lampung used common phrases to communicate with others, where they got them from interaction inside and outside Fansclub Virginity Lampung, for example where they have music gatherings. The members also assumed that Fansclub Virginity Lampung has becoming part of their lives and also as a place to interact, express themselves and build family hood. Fansclub Virginity Lampung provided space for their members to interact with other members from similar community outside Lampung, where they could interchange meaning and opinion for it may create mutual understanding about The Virgin. Keywords: Fansclub, Symbolic Interaction Theory, Music Fansclub Virginity