%A 1323041012 Rona Romadhianti %T Peningkatan Pembelajaran Membaca Pemahaman Pada Teks Bacaan Melalui Model Discovery Learning Siswa Kelas IV Muzfdalifa SD Muhammadiyah Pringsewu %X Abstrak Bahasa Indonesia ABSTRAK PENINGKATAN PEMBELAJARAN MEMBACA PEMAHAMAN PADA TEKS BACAAN MELALUI MODEL DISCOVERY LEARNING SISWA KELAS IV MUZDALIFA SD MUHAMMADIYAH PRINGSEWU Oleh RONA ROMADHIANTI Masalah dalam penelitian adalah kurangnya minat serta rendahnya prestasi siswa dalam membaca pemahaman. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan: (1) RPP dengan pendekatan model discovery learning pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia kompetensi membaca pemahaman untuk menemukan gagasan pokok; (2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model discovery learning pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia kompetensi membaca pemahaman untuk menemukan gagasan pokok di kelas IV Muzdalifa SD Muhammadiyah Pringsewu; (3) Sistem penilaian pembelajaran menggunakan model discovery learning pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia kompetensi membaca pemahaman untuk menemukan gagasan pokok; (4) Peningkatan kemampuan pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan model discovery learning. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Tempat penelitian di SD Muhammadiyah Pringsewu. Siklus I dengan penerapan model discovery learning menggunakan media karton berwarna dan siklus II menggunakan LCD proyektor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan, observasi dan tes. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) penerapan model discovery learning dengan bantuan media LCD proyektor menjadi alternatif pilihan media pembelajaran yang lebih efektif dan efisien; (2) melalui penerapan model discovery learning, pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien dapat terwujud; (3) penerapan model discovery learning pada materi membaca pemahaman dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, yaitu untuk kelas IV Muzdalifa diperoleh nilai rata-rata siklus I 2,59 dengan predikat C+ dan siklus II 3,03 dengan predikat B; (4) bentuk evaluasi dengan mengembangkan model discovery learning memiliki validitas 0,68 dan reliabilitas 0,81 untuk tes unjuk kerja, validitas 0,74 dan reliabilitas 0,85 untuk tes sikap, validitas 0,67 dan reliabilitas 0,80 untuk tes pengetahuan serta berada dalam kriteria tinggi untuk tingkat kepercayaan dengan tingkat kesukaran sedang dan daya pembeda tinggi untuk semua tes. Kata kunci: discovery learning, hasil belajar, membaca pemahaman Abstract Bahasa Inggris ABSTRACT THE IMPROVEMENT OF LEARNING BY CONVEY THE MEANING INREADING TEXT THROUGH DISCOVERY LEARNING MODEL FOR STUDENT CLASS IV MUZDALIFA AT SD MUHAMMADIYAH PRINGSEWU By RONA ROMADHIANTI The problem in this research is the lack of students' interest and achievement in conveying a meaning in reading text. This research is aimed to analyze and describe:(1) lesson plan (RPP) by discovery learning model approach in Indonesian subject, the competence in conveying the meaning is to find out the main idea of the text;(2) the implementation of learning using discovery learrning model in Indonesiansubject is to find out the main idea in class IV Muzdalifa at SD MuhammadiyahPringsewu;(3) scoring system of learning through discovery learning model in conveying the meaning for finding the main idea in Indonesian subject; (4) the improvement of competence in Indonesia subject using discovery learning model. The type of this research is the classroom action researh which was conducted in 2cycles. This research was taken place in SD Muhammadiyah Pringsewu. Cycle Iwas the implementation of discovery learning model using coloured carton as themedia, while cycle II was the implementation of discovery learning model using LCD projector as the media. However, the data collecting of this research were through observation and test. Thus, it was analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. Therefore, the result of this research are: (1) the implementation of discovery learning model by using LCD projector becomes the alternative option for the learning media which is more efective and efficient; (2) by implementing discovery learning model, the effectiveness and efficiency of learning could be achieved; (3) the implementation of discovery learning model in reading skill of conveying the meaning could increase the students learning result, in which the average point of thestudents achievement in class IV Muzdalifa at cycle I was 2.59 with mark C+, whereas, it showed an increase in cycle II into 3.03 with mark B; (4) the evaluationform by improving the discovery learning model has the validity in each kind ofthe test. For instance, the validity and reability for performance test are at 0.68and 0.81, while for behaviour test it shows that 0.74 for validity and 0.85 forreability. However, the validity and reability for knowledge test show that 0.67 forthe validity and 0.80 for the reability. On the other hand, the validity reaches thehigh quality of criteria, which the level of difficulty is medium and all the test conducted in a different type. Keywords: discovery learning, learning result, convey the meaning. %D 2015 %I Universitas Lampung %L eprints11243