%A FRANSISKA YULIANTI SARI 0616041006 %J Digital Library %T THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICY OF METRO CITY MARKET DEVELOPMENT ARRANGEMENT (DEVELOPMENT OF COMMERCIAL AREA METRO MEGA MALL) IN METRO CITY YEAR 2010 %X ABSTRACT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICY OF METRO CITY MARKET DEVELOPMENT ARRANGEMENT (DEVELOPMENT OF COMMERCIAL AREA METRO MEGA MALL) IN METRO CITY YEAR 2010 By FRANSISKA YULIANTI SARI The implementation of policy of Metro City market development arrangement (development of commercial area metro mega mall) is a policy made by Metro City government so that Metro City has a more ideal and tidy market. Due to market condition, particulary Shopping Centre owned by Metro City Right to build (HGB) in land management right (HPL) which expired in 2000; from terms of aesthetics, this Shopping Centre area is no longer reflecting market city design; in park area particulary many street vendors and traders are selling on the street which disturbing the traffic, hygine and beauty of the city. To do development of commercial area metro mega mall, government of Metro City in cooperation with investor which is PT. Nolimax Jaya. But in practice, this development got the refusal from traders who are located at Shopping Centre that resulted the process of development becomes not running smoothly. By using qualitative descriptive type with interview techniques, observation, and documentation, researcher desribes the implementation of policy of metro city market development arrangement (development of commercial area metro mega mall) in metro city year 2010. this research uses focus taken from model Edward III, which are: (1) communication, (2) sources, (3) tendencies, (4) bureaucratic structure. Result shows that implementation of policy of Metro City market development arrangement by built commercial area metro mega mall is not running smoothly, because it got the refusal from the trades. This is caused by communication factor with socialization to the traders is not maximum, facilities such as temporary shelters for the traders is not provided, lack of support from the traders, shop rent in commercial area metro mega mall is too expensive for traders, and violation of agreements mde by metro city government and PT. Nolimax regarding construction of a retreat for two years. Conclusion is that process of the implementation of development commercial area metro mega mall in metro city year 2010 is not running smoothly. To improve the implementation of development commercial area metro mega mall, Metro City government and PT. Nolimax should: (1) held the four elements meeting, which are Metro City government, regional parliamentary, PT. Nolimax and traders; (2) provided temporary shelter for traders; (3) held a forum for the community?s aspiration traders; (4) conducted a study on the economic ability of the traders so that shop rent in commercial area metro mega mall can adjust to the ability of traders. Keywords: Implementation, Comercial Area, Metro Mega Mall. %L eprints11494