%A 0857021009 Muhammad Kiki %T KETAHANAN IKAN GURAME (Osphronemus gouramy Lac ) YANG DIBERI INOSITOL TERHADAP INFEKSI PARASIT IKAN %X abstrak bahasa indonesia Pada pembudidayaannya, ikan gurame mudah terserang penyakit bahkan penyakit dapat menyebabkan kematian masal. Sehingga Perlu dilakukan tindakan perlindungan ikan gurame dari serangan penyakit. Salah satu caranya dengan memberikan senyawa imunostimulan ke ikan gurame. Imunostimulan ialah suatu senyawa kimia, obat - obatan, bahan organik, atau bahan lainnya yang mampu meningkatkan mekanisme respon immunitas. Metode Penelitian ini memakai rancangan RAL dengan 4 perlakuan dan lima ulangan. Data (parameter pertumbuhan dan perilaku ikan) yang diperoleh dianalisis ragam, jika ada perbedaan antar perlakuan, dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey pada selang kepercayaan 95% melalui program SPSS 21 I BM. Sedangkan data parameter kuaitas air akan dsajikan deskriptif. Penelitian ini, dimulai dari merendam 20 unit aquarium yang akan digunakan dengan larutan Cl selama 24 jam. Setelah itu aquarium dibersihkan dengan air bersih dan masing ? masing aquarium diisi 2 ekor ikan yang dipisahkan dengan sekat kaca. Kemudian masing ? masing ikan diberi pakan sesuai dengan perlakuan yaitu Perlakuan I ialah Pakan komersil tanpa tambahan inositol. Perlakuan II ialah Pakan komersil dengan penambahan inositol 5 mg / 100 gram pakan. Perlakuan III ialah Pakan komersil dengan penambahan inositol 10 mg / 100 gram pakan. Perlakuan IV ialah Pakan komersil dengan penambahan inositol 15 mg / 100 gram pakan. Hasilnya bahwa, Inositol tidak efektif meningkatkan pertumbuhan panjang ikan gurame. Tapi,10 mg inositol + pakan, efektif meningkatkan nilai pertumbuhan tinggi dan berat tubuh gurame. Lalu 15 mg inositol yang dicampurkan ke pakan, efektif meningkatkan Laju Pertumbuhan Spesifik (SGR) ikan gurame. Jika dilihat dari parameter perilaku hasil bahwa, meskipun kontrol memiliki keagresifan yang tinggi dan mampu memakan pelet dalam jumlah banyak. Tapi sayangnya, setiap pelet yang dimakan ikan kontrol tidak mampu melindungi ikan kontrol dari dampak negatif Myxobolus sp. Akibatnya ikan kontrol memiliki pertumbuhan lambat dibandingkan ikan yang diberi pakan + inositol. Kata Kunci : Mikroorganisme Parasit, Imunostimulan, Respon Imunitas abstrak bahasa inggris On the cultivation, gouramy are easily attacked by diseases, even the disease that can make mass death. So, there is need to do a protection act for the gouramy from disease attack. One of the way is by giving immunostimulant compound to the gouramy. Immunostimulant is a chemical compound, medicine, organic material, or another material that can increase immunity respond mechanism. The method used is RAL (complete random plan) with 4 treatments and 5 repelations. Data (parameter of growth and fish behavior) the achieved was being anova analized, if found the difference between the treatments, then continued by tukey test on 95 % confidence interval through SPSS 21 I BM program. Meanwhile, data of water quality parameter would be served descriptively. This research, started from submergence 20 units of aquarium that would be used with the Cl solution for 24 hours. After that, aquarium was cleaned by pure water and each aquarium contained 2 fish that separated by glass screen. Then, each fish was given woof related to the treatment which was treatment I,commercial woof without inositol addition. Treatment II was commercial woof with addition of inositol 5 mg / 100 grams of woof. Treatment III was commercial woof with addition of inositol 10 mg / 100 grams of woof. Treatment IV was commercial woof with addition of inositol 15 mg / 100 grams of woof. The result, that inositol was not effective to increase the growth of gouramy?s length. But, 10 mg of inositol and woof were effective to increase the value of growth of height and weight of gouramy. Then 15 mg of inositol that mixedto the woof, was effective to increase the rate of specific growth rate of gouramy. If seen from the result parameter of behavior that although the control had high aggressiveness and able to eat the woof in high number. But unfortunately, each woof that eaten by the controlled fish could not protect the controlled fish from negative effect of Myxobolus sp. Therefore the controlled fish had later growth than given woof and inositol. Keywords : parasitic microorganisms, Immunostimulants, Response Immunity %C Universitas Lampung %D 2015 %I FMIPA %L eprints11662