@unpublished{eprints11717, month = {Oktober}, title = {COMPARATIVE STUDY OF STUDENTS READING ACHIEVMENT BETWEEN THOSE WHO ARE TAUGHT THROUGH RETELLING STORY AND THOSE TAUGHT THROUGH TRANSLATING A FAIRY TALE THE FIRST GRADE OF MA MA'ARIF 4 KALIREJO LAMPUNG TENGAH}, school = {Universitas Lampung}, author = {Diah Arini Kusumastuti 0713042021}, year = {2012}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/11717/}, abstract = {Reading plays an important role for those who want to comprehend and produce the language well. Reading is one of the most important ways to improve general language skills. However, the students still have problems in reading. One of this was that they often found difficulty in comprehending the reading text. They were not able to catch the information from the text. Therefore, the objective of this research is to compare whether there is difference comprehension achievement between those who were taught through retelling a fairy tale and those taught through translation. The participants of the research were the students of the first grade of MA 4 Kalirejo, Lampung Tengah in the academic year 2011/2012. X.1 was the experimental class and X.2 was the control class. Experimental class was taught through retelling story and the control class was taught through translation. The research design was Pretest Posttest Control Group Design and the data were taken from the test and the data were analyzed by using Independent Group T-test. Independent Group T-test was used at the 0,05 significance level to prove whether or not the hypothesis was accepted. The computation showed that t- observe (0.000) is lower than t-table (2.042). It means that H 1 was accepted. H 1 through retelling story and students who are taught through translating technique by using fairy tale. Based on the result, it is suggested that English teachers to use retelling story from fairy tale as the way to teach reading comprehension since it can be used to encourage the students to be more creative in teaching learning process.} }