creators_name: Muhamad Aji Hilmi Anugrah, 1115031057 creators_id: type: other datestamp: 2015-08-19 07:22:04 lastmod: 2015-08-19 07:22:04 metadata_visibility: show title: Alat Pengukur Kapasitansi Berbasis Phase-Sensitive Demodulation (PSD) untuk Sensor ECVT ispublished: pub subjects: TK full_text_status: restricted abstract: Abstrak Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECVT) mampu melakukan rekonstruksi gambar sesuai nilai konstanta dielektrik yang ada di dalam sensor. ECVT memiliki tiga bagian utama, pertama sensor kapasitansi, kedua sistem akuisisi data, terakhir komputer untuk kontrol dan mengolah gambar. Bagian terpenting adalah sistem akuisisi data. Di dalamnya ada rangkaian pengukur kapasitansi Phase-Sensitive Demodulation (PSD). PSD memiliki lima tahapan sistem. Pertama, AC-Based. Kedua, Inverting Amplifier. Ketiga, Phase Shifter. Keempat, Analog Multiplier. Kelima Low-Pass Filter (LPF). Metode untuk penelitian ini dilakukan dalam lima tahap. Pertama simulasi menggunakan PSpice. Kedua melakukan analisis daerah kerja, kelinieran, resolusi, Mean Absolut Error (MAE), dan kondisi termal dari hasil simulasi. Ketiga Eksperimen alat akan diuji dengan kapasitor 1pF -- 15pF kenaikan 1pF. Keempat Analisis perbandingan hasil simulasi dan eksperimen. Kelima pengujian Alat dengan sensor ECVT. Hasil dari penelitian ini ada tiga. Pertama adalah karakteristik dari sistem. Daerah kerja sistem ≥500fF, kelinieran y=1,0297x-79,884x1015, R2=0,9999, resolusi 0,90mV/fF, MAE 0,158pF, kondisi termal pada suhu -25oC -- 125oC tegangan keluaran mengalami perubahan rata-rata 4,36mV. Kedua adalah hasil simulasi dan eksperimen sebanding, eror simulasi 2,23% dan eror eksperimen 3,87%. Ketiga adalah alat mampu mengukur perbedaan kapasitansi sensor ECVT dalam kondisi kosong, penuh dengan air dan berisi limbah minyak kelapa sawit. Abstract Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECVT) can perform image reconstruction corresponding dielectric constant value that is in the sensor. ECVT has three main parts, the first capacitance sensor, the data acquisition system, the last computer to control and process images. The most important part is the data acquisition system. In it there is a capacitance measuring circuit. The capacitance measuring circuit using Phase-Sensitive Demodulation (PSD). PSD has five stages of the system. First, AC-Based. Secondly, Inverting Amplifier. Third, Phase Shifter. Fourth, Analog Multiplier. Fifth Low-Pass Filter (LPF). Methods of research carried out in five stages. The first simulation using PSpice. The second work area analysis, linearity, resolution, Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and thermal conditions of the simulation results. The third experiment will be tested by 1pF to 15pF capacitor with 1pF increase. The fourth comparative analysis of simulation results and experimental. The fifth test experiments with sensor ECVT. There are three research. The first is the characteristics of the system. The work area system is ≥ 500fF, the linearity is y = 1,0297x-79,884x1015, R2 = 0.9999, The resolution 0,90 mV/fF, The MAE 0,158pF, The thermal conditions at a temperature of -25 oC -- 125 oC with increases 5 oC, the changing output voltage average is 4, 36mV. The second is the simulation and experimental results are comparable, the simulation error of 2.23% and the experimental error of 3.87%. The third is PSD circuit have a capable of measuring the difference in the capacitance sensor ECVT in an empty condition, filled with water and containing palm oil waste. date: 2015-08-13 date_type: published publisher: FAKULTAS TEKNIK place_of_pub: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG pages: 90 institution: Universitas Lampung department: FT thesis_type: other citation: Muhamad Aji Hilmi Anugrah, 1115031057 (2015) Alat Pengukur Kapasitansi Berbasis Phase-Sensitive Demodulation (PSD) untuk Sensor ECVT. FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: