@misc{eprints118, month = {Desember}, title = {AN ANALYSIS OF NEGOTIATION OF MEANING IN STUDENTS? SPEAKING ACTIVITY IN TASK-BASED LEARNING AT THE SECOND YEAR OF SMA NEGERI 5 BANDAR LAMPUNG}, author = {Ratih Sulistiyani Suparno}, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas KIP}, year = {2013}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/118/}, abstract = {A large percentage of the world language learners study English in order to be able to communicate fluently. However in SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung was found that speaking skill was still not achieved the learning mastery because the teacher often asked the students to memorize the formula and to do the tasks from English textbook. Task-based learning activity is believed can obstacle the problems in which negotiation of meaning can facilitate the students in the speaking activity. This research was aimed: 1) to find out to what extend negotiation of meaning is used by the students in speaking activity in Task-based Learning, 2) to find out which component of negotiation of meaning is mostly used by the students in speaking activity in Task-based Learning. This research is a qualitative descriptive in nature. The data was collected by recording, transcribing, and coding the students? speaking activity. It was also supported by observation and interview. Elicitation was used to gather the data with the main instrument was communicative task. The data shows that the component of negotiation of meaning was mostly used by the students was clarification request which occurred 40 items, equal to 30.53\%. It occurred when the listener need further information about the speaker?s utterances to keep the conversation still go on. It could be concluded that negotiation of meaning could increase the sustainability of the conversation and open more opportunities for the students to provide comprehensible input and produce more comprehensible output. Keywords: negotiation of meaning, speaking activity, task-based learning} }