%0 Thesis %9 Other %A 0803091015, Erwin Malau %B FKIP %D 2012 %F eprints:11803 %I Universitas Lampung %T THE FACTORS INFLUENCE QUALITY SERVICE TO RESPECT SATISFIED CONSUMERS SPEEDY TO COMPANY PT.TELKOM LAMPUNG %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/11803/ %X The writer was born on March 10 th ,1989 , Pematang Siantar, North Sumatera.The writer is the no 3 from 7 brother of the couple of Elison Malau and Rismawanta br. Sidauruk. In 2002, he graduated from SD Negeri 4 Situnjang, Simanindo, South Sumatera. As soon as graduated from Elementary School, he entered SMP Swasta Dharma Pertiwi, Bahbutong, North Sumatera, and graduated in 2005. Then he continued his study at SMA Lentera Harapan, Banjar Agung, Tulang Bawang, and finished in 2008. After finishing his study at SMA Lantera Harapan, Banjar Agung, Tulang Bawang, the writer continued at English Diploma III Profesional Program, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Lampung University. In 2011, Date May 1 st up to June 30 th , the writer did the Field Practice ( PKL ) at PT.Telkom, Jl. Majapahit No.14 Bandar Lampung.