%A 1013042032 Elsye Yetti Frida %T TEACHING SPEAKING ENGLISH THROUGH ROLE PLAY AT THE THIRD GRADE OF SMAN 6 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X Speaking is the one of language skill that should be mastered by students. Speaking ability consist of some aspect, they are pronunciation, fluency, and comprehensibility. The aims of this research were to find out whether role play can improve the students` speaking ability, and to find out the aspect of speaking which improve the most after being taught through role play in teaching speaking. The subject of this research was the students XII IPA 2 class of SMAN 6 Bandar Lampung. The students consist of 36 persons in the class. This research was quantitative research with one group pretest-posttest as research design. The students were given score based on the three aspects of speaking skill, they are pronunciation, fluency, and comprehensibility. The result showed that this technique can improve students` speaking ability and the researcher can see that fluency is the aspect of speaking which improved the most. There were two raters to judge the students` speaking performances. Repeated measure t-test was used to analyze the quantitative data and the hypothesis testing was computed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The result concluded that there was a significant difference on level 0.05 because t-ratio more than t-table (10.865 > 2.093). The result of pretest obtained mean score 70.33 while posttest obtained 74.78 in which the gain was 4.45. The data shows that students have improved the most in the fluency aspects. It could be seen from the average score that fluency score was increased the highest. In the pretest the average score of fluency was 68.19 and then in the posttest the average score was 74.02, the increasing score of fluency was 5.83. So that from the data above, it could be concluded that students` speaking ability was improved after they were taught by using role play technique, and the aspect of speaking which improved the most is fluency. Keywords : improvement, role play, speaking, teaching speaking %C Universitas Lampung %D 2015 %I Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan %L eprints11830