%A IFO FAJRIA SARI 0803091022 %T THE ROLE OF DESA WISATA MERAK BELANTUNG TO DEVELOP TOURISM OBJECT?S IN KALIANDA OF SOUTH LAMPUNG REGENCY %X This field practise is one of the subjects in 6 th semester. It is obligation for the students of Diploma III in English for Profession to follow. The writer has done field practise program at the Government Office Tourism, Arts and Culture (TAC) of South Lampung Regency in Kalianda from May 2 to June 30, 2011. All of the activities have been done during the field practice was illustrated in this report. This report has been written as one of the requirements to finish my study at Diploma III in English for Profession. This part discusses history, characteristics, structure of the organization, vision, mission, strategy, and products Tourism and Culture Office of South Lampung Regency. %D 2011 %I Universitas Lampung %L eprints12144