%A Meka Meidiyanti 0803091027 %T DESCRIPTION STUDY ABOUT SP2D (WARRANT DISBURSEMEN OF FUNDS) OF PT BANK LAMPUNG. %X The establishment of PT Bank Lampung was due to the policy issued by the implementation of UU No. 14, 1964 about the Development of DATI I Lampung Province. By the establishment of DATI I Lampung Province, it enables the government to build a Regional Bank that is suitable to the principal of Regional Bank. As a result, the Bank of Lampung was established based on The Government Instruction No. 104/1964 on August 1 st , 1964. On January 31 PT Bank Lampung was acknowledged by the Minister of National Affairs Decisions No. DES 57/7/3/150 on August 6 th st , 1964 , 1965. Furthermore, PT Bank Lampung accepted operational policy from the ministry of Control Bank No. 66/UBS/965 on August 3 rd , `1965. Next, PT Bank Lampung changed its status to become Limited Company (PT) on May 3 rd 1999 based on BPD Lampung No. 5 and was legalized by the Law Ministry No. C-8261.HT.01.01 on May 1999. %D 2011 %I Universitas Lampung %L eprints12151