@unpublished{eprints12153, month = {Oktober}, title = {0803091028}, school = {Universitas Lampung}, author = {Ajeng Ersa DiningTias 0803091028}, year = {2011}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/12153/}, abstract = {In accordance the regulation No.13 in the year of 1962 about the regulation of local development Bank. Regional development Bank is owned by the Lampung government as a local company. It was held based on the decision of governor as the 1 st local government of Lampung province NO.10A/1964, 1 The name of regional development Bank was approved by the ministry on the approval letter No.Des.57/7/3/150 26 Bank (BPD) started operating on 31 st th st of august 1964. of august 1965.Regiuonal Development of January 1965 based on the business license of Indonesian central Bank No.kep.66/UBS/1965 on 3 rd of august 1965.BDL Lampung is local company that its function is as a local public Bank. BPD Lampung is intended to support and motivate the economic growth and local development. } }