%A Wayan Widyastuti 0803091055 %T EFFORTS OF CENTRAL LAMPUNG TOURISM, YOUTH SPORT, ART, AND CULTURE DEPARTMENT IN DEVELOPING STRUCTURE AND INFRASTRUCTURE OF TIRTA GANGGA LAKE IN ORDER TO INCREASE TOURIST?S VISIT %X Central Lampung is one developing regency in Lampung Province. It is one of the regencies in Lampung Province that has great culture and tourism potencials which are needed to develop and manage. To develop and manage it, Central Lampung has formed department called Tourism, Youth Sport, Art, and Culture Department. Because Youth Sport has not its own office yet, so it is combined in Tourism also Art and Culture Office. To apply, they have own different tasks. Based on the Central Lampung Local Regulation No. 12 2007 organization and work arrangement of region element of Central Lampung Regency. Tourism, Youth Sport, Art, and Culture of Central Lampung manages all activities that are related to tourism, youth sport, art, and culture in Central Lampung. %D 2011 %I Universitas Lampung %L eprints12161