%A Aldila Rahman1, R. Hanung Ismono2, Eka Kasymir2 0714021037 %J Digital Library %T ANALISIS KEUNTUNGAN DAN DAYA SAING USAHATANI TEMBAKAU DI KECAMATAN BATANGHARI NUBAN KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TIMUR %X Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) Menganalisis keuntungan usahatani tembakau, (2) Menganalisis uji beda opportunity cost lahan sebelum dan sesudah berusahatani tembakau, (3) Menganalisis daya saing usahatani tembakau. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2011, dengan sampel sebanyak 35 orang yang membudidayakan tembakau. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei.Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan kuantitatif, menggunakan analisis keuntungan usahatani (R/C Rasio) dan analisis daya saing (Policy Analisys Matrix). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Keuntungan atas biaya total Rp. 31.840.014,64. R/C Rasio yang diperoleh > 1, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa usahatani tembakau menguntungkan, (2) Petani lebih menguntungkan memanfaatkan musim gadu untuk berusahatani tembakau, (3) Usahatani tembakau memiliki keunggulan kompetitif dan komparatif. Usahatani tembakau memiliki daya saing dan layak untuk dijalankan, (4) Kebijakan yang diterapkan pemerintah bersifat tidak protektif terhadap output tembakau dan input tradeabletzmbakavL. Kata Kunci: Keuntungan dan Daya Saing Usahatani Tembakau ' Abstract This study aims to determine: (1) analyze the benefits of tobacco fanning in the District of Batanghari Nuban, (2) Analyze the opportunity cost of land of different test before and afterfanning of tobacco at the Batanghari Nuban District , (3) Analyze the competitiveness of tobacco farming in the District Batanghari Nuban. The study was conducted in November-December 201 1.Samples in this study are members of farmer groups as many as 35 people are farming cultivates the study is tobacco.Method of data analysis in this study be descriptive and quantitative, using the analysis of farm profits R / C ratio and the analysis of competitiveness by Policy ANALISYS Matrix (PAM). The results showed that: (1) R / C ratio above the cash cost and total cost are obtained for 3.67 and 2.76 with an advantage over the total cost of Rp. 31,840,014.64. R / C ratio obtained > 1, then it can be said that tobacco farming profitable, (2) Income respondent farmers in land use for 1 year before tobacco farming Rp. 14,648,505.33 and income of the respondent farmers in land use for 1 year after tobacco farming Rp. 38,005,242.38, it can be said that the farmers be more profitable by using gadu season for tobacco farming, (3) of tobacco farming in the District of Batanghari Nuban have competitive and comparative advantages, the PCR value of 0.1625 and 0.1 193, which means fanning DRCR tobacco in the District of Batang Nuban highly competitive and viable to run, (4) the policy applied by the goverment is not is not protective againts tobbaco output and input tradeable, EPC value is 0,73. Subsidy policy is only applied to the input tradeable, so as not to influence on the acceptance of tobbacos farmers. %D 2012 %L eprints12180