@misc{eprints12288, month = {Agustus}, title = {ISOLASI DAN KARAKTERISASI SENYAWA LUTEIN DARI HASIL KULTIVASI MIKROALGA Dunaliella sp. PADA SALINITAS 10 oBe}, author = {1017011015 Sifa Kusuma Wardani}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/12288/}, abstract = {eluen kloroform : aseton (9:1) dan plat Silika Gel. Hasil kromatogram menunjukkan bercak kuning pada nilai Rf 0,6. Interpretasi data spektrum inframerah, menunjukkan adanya vibrasi ulur gugus hidroksi pada 3410 cm-1 dan vibrasi ulur C-O pada daerah 1210 cm-1. Vibrasi ulur pada 1635 cm-1 dan 3016 cm-1 menunjukkan adanya gugus alkena (C=C) dan vibrasi C-H pada ikatan tak jenuh. Selain itu, muncul serapan vibrasi tekuk (C=H) pada daerah sekitar 933 cm-1 dan serapan pada daerah 763 cm-1 menunjukkan adanya rantai panjang tak jenuh. Hasil ini didukung oleh data spektrum UV-Vis yaitu {\ensuremath{\lambda}}max 444 nm merupakan karakteristik serapan dari 10 ikatan rangkap terkonjugasi. Sehingga berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa senyawa yang terisolasi merupakan senyawa lutein. Senyawa yang diperoleh sebanyak 0,4 \% dari berat biomassa basah. Sehingga mikroalga Dunaliella sp. dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber potensial senyawa lutein. Kata kunci : Dunaliella sp., salinitas, lutein ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF LUTEIN COMPOUND FROM THE RESULT OF MICROALGAE Dunaliella sp. CULTIVATION IN SALINITY 10 OBe Isolation and characterization of lutein compound from microalgae Dunaliella sp. which is cultivated in salinity 10 OBe have been carried out. The observation result of stationary phase occurs on the 11th day with number of cells 16.7 x 106 cells/mL. Acetone extract of Dunaliella sp. biomass was tested by TLC using eluents chloroform:acetone (9:1) and Silica Gel plate. The result showed a yellow spots on the chromatogram value Rf 0.6. Interpretation of infrared spectrum of these compound, indicated stretching vibration of hydroxy group (-OH) at 3410 cm-1 and stretching vibration C-O at 1210 cm-1. Stretching vibration at 1635 cm -1 and 3016 cm-1 indicate the presence of alkene group (C=C) and CH vibration in unsaturated bond. In addition, the absorption of bending vibration appears (C=H) at 933 cm-1 and the absorption at 763 cm-1 region showed a long-chain unsaturated. These results are supported by UV-Vis spectrum at {\ensuremath{\lambda}}max 444 nm which are absorption characteristic of 10 conjugated double bonds. So based on these results it can be concluded that the isolated compound is a lutein compound. Lutein was obtained as much as 0.4\% of the weight of wet biomass. So microalgae Dunaliella sp. can be used as a potential source of lutein compound. Keyword : Dunaliella sp., Salinity, Lutein} }