%0 Generic %A 0614071020, ANDIKA GUSTAMA %D 2012 %F eprints:12321 %T MEMPELAJARI NERACA AIR (WATER BALANCE) PADA LAHAN BUDIDAYA CABAI DI LABORATORIUM LAPANG TERPADU UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/12321/ %X Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis neraca air pada zona perakaran tanaman cabai, (2) menentukan waktu surplus dan defisit air dengan prosedur perhitungan neraca air, (3) menghitung proporsi curah hujan yang menjadi limpasan permukaan pada lahan budidaya cabai, (4) menentukan besarnya kebutuhan air dan saat pemberian air irigasi pertanaman cabai, serta (5) mempelajari pengaruh mulsa jerami padi terhadap besarnya evapotranspirasi tanaman dan limpasan permukaan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Lapang Terpadu Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung terhitung mulai tanggal 6 Februari – 5 April 2011. Pengamatan lapangan dilakukan terhadap 2 plot percobaan dengan perlakuan mulsa jerami padi (plot A) dan tanpa mulsa sebagai kontrol (plot B) yang masingmasing dilengkapi dengan kolam penampungan air pada bagian hilirnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) kebutuhan air konsumtif (ETc) selama penelitian pada plot lahan bermulsa jerami padi (133,85 mm) lebih kecil daripada plot lahan tanpa mulsa (230,74 mm), (2) proporsi curah hujan yang menjadi limpasan permukaan selama penelitian pada plot lahan bermulsa jerami padi (0,11) lebih kecil daripada plot lahan tanpa mulsa (0,16), (3) penggunaan mulsa jerami padi pada budidaya tanaman cabai mampu menekan kehilangan air akibat evapotranspirasi dan meminimalkan terjadinya limpasan permukaan. Kata kunci: neraca air, evapotranspirasi, limpasan permukaan Abstract The aims of the research were (1) to analyze the water balance in the root zone of chili, (2) to determine the time of surplus and deficit of water with a water balance calculation procedures, (3) to calculate the proportion of rainfall that becomes surface runoff in chili cultivation of land, (4) to determine the amount of water needs and the provision of irrigation water during cultivation, and (5) to study the effect of rice straw mulch on the rate of crop evapotranspiration and surface runoff. Field experiment was conducted at the Integrated Field Laboratory College of Agriculture, University of Lampung from 6 February to 5 April 2011. Field observations carried out on two experimental plots with rice straw mulch treatment (plot A) and without mulch as control (plot B) where are each equipped with a water storage pond at the downstream. The results showed that (1) the consumptive use (ETc) during the study on rice straw mulched plot (133.85 mm) was lower than that of the plot with no mulch (230.74 mm), (2) the proportion of rainfall that becomes runoff during the study on rice straw mulched plot (0.11) was lower than that of the plot with no mulch (0.16), (3) the use of rice straw mulch on chili can reduce the water loss due to evapotranspiration and minimize surface runoff. Keywords: water balance, evapotranspiration, surface runoff