%A 1313082004 Heru Cipto Nuroso %T INCREASINNG STUDENTS? LISTENING COMPREHENSION THROUGH SONGS AT THE FOURTH GRADE STUDENTS OF TAMANSARI KETAPANG SOUTH LAMPUNG %X The objectives of this research were to find out whether song Dictation technique could be used to increase the students? listening comprehension and to improve the students? learning activities at the fourth grade of Tamansari Elementary Shool Ketapang Lampung Selatan. The subjects of this research were the students of fourth grade of Tamansari Elementary Shool in the Academic year 2013/2014. This classroom action research was done in two cycles. The researcher used indicator dealing with learning product and learning process. Concerning the result of the research, in cycle I there were only 15 students (50%) whose score was70 or higher. For the students? activities, there were 20 students (60.67%) who did at least 80% of the activities. It meant that the research indicator of learning product and learning process could not be fulfilled yet. In cycle II, however, the researcher had known the weaknesses of learning product and learning process and automatically he gave the solution in teaching learning process. As a result, the target of research indicators for learning product and learning process could be achieved. It was proved that in learning product there were 29 students (96.66%) scores 70 or higher. For learning process, there were 28 students (90.33%) who did 80% or more of activities. It meant that the target of research indicators for both learning product and learning process were achieved. And it can be concluded that Song could be used to improve students? listening comprehension. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2015 %I FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN %L eprints12375