@misc{eprints12461, month = {Februari}, title = {ANALISIS ORGANOLEPTIK PADA KOPI BUBUK LOKAL YANG BEREDAR DI BANDAR LAMPUNG}, author = {Asep Darmawanto 0614051023}, year = {2012}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/12461/}, abstract = {Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui skor warna dan rasa serta preferensi konsumen pada kopi bubuk lokal yang beredar di Bandar Lampung. Penelitan ini dilakukan dalam 2 tahap yaitu: tahap pertama penentuan sampel panelis dan sampel kopi bubuk yang beredar di Bandar Lampung, tahap kedua yaitu pengujian organoleptik dengan melakukan penyebaran kuisioner. Sampel produk kopi bubuk ditentukan dengan menggunakan rumus Eastman Kodax yaitu {$\sqrt$}2N. Sedangkan penentuan sampel panelis menggunakan rumus Slovin. Data yang diperoleh dianalsis sidik ragam. Apabila terdapat perbedaaan dilakukan uji lanjut dengan menggunakan uji DMRT pada taraf 5 \%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampel kopi bubuk yang diamati memiki perbedaan secara nyata. Pada sampel kopi Anak Jempol memiliki warna hitam dan rasa agak khas kopi. Sampel kopi Sinar Dunia memiliki warna hitam kecoklatan dan rasa agak khas kopi. Sampel kopi Anak Jempol dan Sinar Dunia memiliki penerimaan keselurahan suka. Sampel kopi Bola Dunia memiliki warna coklat kehitaman dan rasa netral. Sampel kopi JP memiliki warna coklat kehitaman dan rasa agak campuran. Sampel kopi Bola Dunia dan JP memiliki penerimaan keselurahan agak suka. Sedangkan untuk sampel kopi Siger memiliki warna coklat, rasa agak campuran, penerimaan keseluruhan tidak suka. Maka diperoleh jenis kopi bubuk yang paling disukai adalah kopi bubuk dengan sampel Sinar Dunia. Kata kunci: Analisis konsumen, Organoleptik, Kopi bubuk Abstract The Purpose of this research was to get the colour and the flavor score and also the consumers preference of local coffee powder in Bandar Lampung. This research was conducted 2 steps: The first was the deciding of sample of coffee powder in Bandar Lampung, and the second was the organoleptic test by giving questioner to the consumers. The sample of coffee powder coffee product was decided by using the Eastman Kodax formula it was {$\sqrt$}2N, and the sample of panelis was decided by using Slovin formula. Data obtained was analyzed of variance. If there was a difference, the analysist would be continued by DMRT test with level is 5 \%. The results showed that the sample of coffee powder had been observated had a significant difference. The Anak Jempol sample had black colour and rather distinctive of coffe flavor. The Sinar Dunia sample had black-brown colour and rather distinctive of coffee flavour. Both sample, Anak Jempol and Sinar Dunia had Overall acceptance is like. The sample Bola Dunia had brown-black colour and netral flavor. The JP sample had brown-black and rather mix distinctive of coffee powder. Both sample, Bola Dunia and JP had ocerall acceptance is somewhat like. And the Siger coffee sample had brown colour, rather mixed of coffee flavour, and overall acceptance is dislike. Then sample of local coffee product with the most preferred coffee powder is Sinar Dunia sample. Key words: Analysis of the consumer, Organoleptic, Coffee powder} }