%A Yuliana Subekti 0646021070 %J Digitalisasi %T MANAGEMENT OF RETRIBUTION BUS STATION FOR INCREASING REALIZATION ACCEPTANCE OF RETRIBUTION BUS STATION IN LAMPUNG TIMUR REGENCY %X ABSTRACT MANAGEMENT OF RETRIBUTION BUS STATION FOR INCREASING REALIZATION ACCEPTANCE OF RETRIBUTION BUS STATION IN LAMPUNG TIMUR REGENCY (Study at Official of Liaison, Communication and Informatics in Lampung Timur Regency) By Yuliana Subekti The source of Finance region is very important source which can be used for Increasing of Regional Development. Management from Finances source are needed because the result from this management finance sources are able to add Region Treasury. Management which has done from the Result of Region Finances Source is one of exertion which has been clone by government to find the construction and also to find Regional Need. Bus Station Retribution is one of Regional Finances source in Lampung Timur Regency which has got froim Region Retribution. Based on the data Collecting and acceptance Realization of Bus Station retribution from 2006 until 2010 in Lampung Timur Regency, it has got estimate target which always diffrent in every year besides that, it has realization of estimate from 2010 which did not reach the target. The target which did not reach was Rp. 321.860.000,- and the realization only Rp. 5.450.000,-. The purpose of this reseach was to know the Management of Bus Station Retribution at official of liaison, communication and infomatics to increase the acceptance realization bus station retribution in Lampung Timur Regency. In this research the Reseacher used the primer and secondary data where as, data collecting which were used by reseacher they were interview, observation and documentation. The result of this Research was known that management of Bus Station Retribution at official liaison, communication and informatics for increasing the Acceptance realization bus station retribution in Lampung Timur Regency has not maximal yet, it can be showed from the planning indicator that was Realization bus station retribution in 2010 which did not reach the target. It was caused, by announcement of Bandar Lampung Governor on January 19 th 2009 Number : 500/0126/04/2009 about : first, pickings, of bus station retribution in national and province highway because of that TPR pickings on the highway in Lampung Timur Regency was stopped. Second, the implementation of planning indicator in this implementation there were many bus station officers who have not obey yet the procedure of pickings, the procedure of picking was, the officer have to use attribute such as uniform, ticket, etc. third, the implementation of planning indicator in this implementation there were the lockness of regularly supervision which were done by the head of bus station for bus station officer when they were in the sphere. So, it caused undicipline of bus station retribusion?s pickings in sing attribute and bus station rate. ABSTRAK PENGELOLAAN RETRIBUSI TERMINAL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN REALISASI PENERIMAAN RETRIBUSI TERMINAL DI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TIMUR (Studi Pada Dinas Perhubungan, Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Lampung Timur) Oleh Yuliana Subekti Sumber-sumber keuangan daerah merupakan sumber yang sangat penting yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pembangunan daerah. Pengelolaan terhadap sumber keuangan yang ada sangat diperlukan agar hasil yang didapat mampu menambah kas daerah. Pengelolaan terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah merupakan salah satu upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk membiayai pembangunan serta kebutuhan suatu daerah. Retribusi terminal merupakan salah satu Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Lampung Timur yang bersumber dari retribusi daerah. Berdasarkan data target dan realisasi penerimaan retribusi terminal dari tahun 2006-2010 di Kabupaten Lampung Timur, terdapat target anggaran yang selalu berubah-ubah setiap tahunnya dan selain itu, terdapat realisasi anggaran pada tahun 2010 yang tidak mencapai target, yaitu targetnya berjumlah Rp 321.860.000 dan realisasinya hanya Rp 5.450.000. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengelolaan retribusi terminal Dinas Perhubungan, Komunikasi dan Informatika untuk meningkatkan realisasi penerimaan retribusi terminal di Kabupaten Lamung Timur. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa pengelolaan retribusi terminal untuk meningkatkan realisasi penerimaan retribusi terminal di Kabupaten Lampung Timur belum maksimal. Merujuk pada indikator perencanaan yaitu terdapat realisasi retribusi terminal pada tahun 2010 yang tidak mencapai target, hal ini disebabkan karena Berdasarkan Surat Gubernur Lampung tanggal 19 Januari 2009 Nomor : 500/0126/04/2009 Perihal : Pungutan Retribusi Terminal di Jalan Nasional dan Provinsi, maka Pemungutan TPR di jalan raya dalam wilayah Kabupaten Lampung Timur dihentikan/ditutup. Kedua, merujuk pada indikator pelaksanaan yaitu masih ada petugas terminal yang belum mematuhi prosedur tata cara pemungutan yaitu mengenai penggunaan atribut/tanda seperti pakaian petugas, karcis, dll. Ketiga, merujuk pada indikator pengawasan/pengendalian yaitu kurangnya pengawasan secara rutin oleh kepala terminal kepada petugas terminal dilapangan sehingga menyebabkan ketidakdisiplinan petugas pemungut retribusi terminal didalam penggunaan atribut dan tarif terminal. %L eprints12582