TY - GEN ID - eprints12584 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/12584/ A1 - 0646031041, PRATIWI YUDISTIRA MANDASARI Y1 - 2012/08/08/ N2 - ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION BETWEEN PARENTS AND STUDENTS TOWARD THE INCREASING OF STUDENTS? MOTIVATION IN DEALING WITH NATIONAL FINAL EXAMINATION (Study of sixth graders in SDN 2 Harapan Jaya Sukarame Bandar Lampung) BY PRATIWI YUDISTIRA MANDASARI National Final Examination that would be dealt by sixth graders is the important thing in education field because National final examintaion is the standard for students to continue their study. Students have difficulties which give influence in decreasing their motivation to deal with, so learning motivation is one of the items influencing their scores. In other words, the more learning motivation increase, the more scores increase. For that reasons, it is hoped that the existance of interpersonal communication between parents and students runs well so that learning motivation can be increased for students to face National Final Examination. Since the study is about influence of interpersonal communication between parents and students so the purpose of the study is to find out how great interpersonal communication between parents and students toward the increasing of students? motivation in dealing with National Final Examination is. This study used descriptive research with quantitative approach by using questionnaire. The population is sixth graders of SDN 2 Harapan Jaya Sukarame. The data were analyzed by using frequently distribution and percentage in the form of singular tabel and simple linier regression statistic analysis. According to the result of the study, the influence of interpersonal communication between parents and students toward the increasing of students? motivation in dealing with National Final Examination is 0.42 or 42%. Further, there is enough contribution of interpersonal communication between parents and students. Consequently, the higher rest percentage (58%) means that the increasing of students? learning motivation in dealing with National Final Examination is not influenced by interpersonal communication between parents and students. Key Words: Interpersonal Communication, Students? Learning Motivation, National Final Examination TI - THE INFLUENCE OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION BETWEEN PARENTS AND STUDENTS TOWARD THE INCREASING OF STUDENTS? MOTIVATION IN DEALING WITH NATIONAL FINAL EXAMINATION AV - restricted ER -