@misc{eprints12668, month = {Februari}, title = {PENGARUH PERLAKUAN ULTRASONIK TERHADAP KUALITAS KERIPIK NANAS PADA PENGGORENGAN VAKUM (Vacuum Frying)}, author = {UCI NURLAENA 0814071063}, year = {2012}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/12668/}, abstract = {Abstrak Nanas merupakan salah satu jenis buah yang dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Produksi buah seperti nanas sering kali memiliki masalah dalam pasca panennya. Produk ini mudah rusak sehingga perlu penanganan yang tepat agar untuk kualitasnya terjaga. Salah satu upaya untuk memperbaiki karakteristik fisik kimia buah di dalam pengolahan diantarannya adalah dengan memberikan perlakuan ultrasonik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan ultrasonik terhadap kadar gula keripik nanas, (2) mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan ultrasonik terhadap kadar air akhir keripik nanas yang dihasilkan, (3) mempelajari pengaruh perlakuan ultrasonik terhadap kerenyahan produk keripik nanas. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 3 perlakuan waktu ultrasonik. Perlakuan pertama menggunakan waktu 10 menit, perlakuan kedua menggunakan waktu 20 menit dan perlakuan ketiga menggunakan waktu 30 menit. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) kadar gula pada buah nanas mengalami penurunan seiring dengan lama waktu perlakuan ultrasonik, (2) struktur jaringan pada chips nanas mengalami kerusakkan atau pecah akibat perlakuan ultrasonik (3) keripik nanas dengan perlakuan waktu 30 menit mengalami penurunan kadar air lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lain, (4) kerenyahan keripik nanas terbaik dihasilkan pada perlakuan waktu 30 menit. Sedangkan keripik kontrol dinilai tidak renyah oleh responden. Kata kunci: ultrasonik, kadar gula, sturktur jaringan, kerenyahan, nanas Abstract Pineapple is one type of popular fruits grown in Indonesia. Production of pineapple fruit usually has problems in post harvest. The product is easily damaged so it needs to be handling properly and carefully to maintain its quality. One effort to improve the physico-chemical characteristic of the fruit during processing is by using ultrasonic pre-treatment. This study aimed to (1) determine the effect of ultrasonic pre-treatment on the total soluble solid representing sugar content of pineapple, (2) know the effect of ultrasonic pre-treatment on the final moisture content of pineapple chips produced, (3) study the effect of ultrasonic pre-treatment to the crispness of fried pineapple chips. The research was conducted with 3 levels of ultrasonic pre-treatment duration. The first was 10 minutes, the second was 20 minutes and the third was 30 minutes. Each treatment was repeated 3 times as replication. The results showed that (1) the level of total soluble solid representing sugar content in the pineapple fruit decreased with increasing the duration of ultrasonic pre-treatment, (2) pineapple tissue damaged or breakaged due to ultrasonic pre treatment (3) pineapple chips at 30 minutes oltrasonic pre-treatment showed that the decreasing of moisture content was higher compared with the others, (4) the most crispy of pineapple chips was produced by the pre-treatment ultrasonic of 30 minutes. While the control (pineapple chips without ultrasonic pre-treatment) was showing not crispy. Key words: ultrasonic, sugar content, total soluble solid, crispness, pineapple } }