TY - GEN ID - eprints12756 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/12756/ A1 - 0814013167, Maylinda Widiastuti Y1 - 2012/02/04/ N2 - Abstrak Untuk meningkatkan produksi kacang panjang, perlu penggunaan varietas unggul. Perakitan varietas unggul dapat diperoleh melalui persilangan dua tetua yang memiliki perbedaan. Hasil persilangan antargenotipe kacang panjang dapat dilihat melalui keragaan yang ditampilkan pada generasi keturunan (F1). Pada hasil persilangan antartetua yang berbeda dapat diharapkan terdapat keragaman antara hasil persilangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keragaan karakter agronomi, keragaman dan nilai duga heritabilitas arti luas kacang panjang generasi F1 hasil persilangan tiga genotipe. Benih yang digunakan adalah benih F1 kacang panjang yang merupakan hasil persilangan antara testa Merah Putih x Hitam (AxB), testa Hitam x Merah Putih (BxA), testa Hitam x Coklat (BxC), testa Coklat x Merah Putih (CxA), benih tetua testa Merah Putih, testa Hitam, testa Coklat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan Rancangan Kelompok Teracak Sempurna (RKTS) dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan, analisis ragam,dan dilanjutkan uji LSI (Least Significant Increase). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keragaman fenotipe Maylinda Widiastuti karakter agronomi kacang panjang hasil persilangan tiga genotipe adalah luas untuk semua variabel. Untuk keragaman genotipe karakter agronomi kacang panjang hasil persilangan tiga genotipe adalah luas untuk variabel umur berbunga, umur panen polong kering, jumlah polong tanaman, rata-rata jumlah polong tanaman, rata-rata panjang lokul, jumlah benih total, bobot benih tanaman, tetapi untuk variabel umur panen polong segar, jumlah tangkai bunga, rata-rata panjang polong tanaman, ratarata jumlah lokul tanaman dan bobot 100 benih adalah sempit. Besaran nilai heritabilitas arti luas karakter agronomi kacang panjang generasi F1 hasil persilangan tiga genotipe. untuk variabel umur berbunga dan rata-rata panjang lokul adalah tinggi, variabel umur panen polong kering, jumlah polong tanaman, rata-rata jumlah polong tanaman, dan jumlah benih total adalah sedang, variabel umur panen polong segar, jumlah tangkai bunga, rata-rata panjang polong tanaman, rata-rata jumlah lokul tanaman, bobot benih tanaman, dan bobot 100 benih adalah rendah. Kata kunci: keragaan, keragaman, heritabilitas, kacang panjang, generasi F1. Abstract To increase the production of beans, it is necessary to use of superior varieties. The assembly of superior verieties can be obtained by intersecting the two elders who have differences. The result of intersecting between genotype beans can be seen through the performances shown on next-generation (F1). On the results of a cross in a different between elders can be expected there is diversity between the results of a cross. This research proposed to look at the performance, variability and value guess heritability agronomic broad sense character beans generation F1 crosses of the results of the three genotypes. The seeds used are F1 seed beans which are the result of a cross between a Red-White x Black seed coat (AxB), Black x Red-White seed coat (BxA), Black x Brown seed coat (BxC), Chocolate x Red-White seed coat (CxA), the seed elder Red-White seed coat, the seed elder Black seed coat, and the seed elder Brown seed coat. This research was conducted with complete randomized design (RKTS), analyzed by using a analyse of varian, and continued with LSI (Least Maylinda Widiastuti Significant Increase). The results showed that the phenotype diversity of agronomic characters of long bean genotypes of three interchanges result is spacious for all variables. For the diversity of agronomic characters of long bean genotypes yield crosses three genotypes are spacious for the variable age of flowering, harvest dried pods age, number of pods of the plant, average number of pods of the plant, average length of locul (castor beans), the number of total seed, weight of seeds, but to the variable age harvest fresh pods, the number of stalks of flowers, the average length of the pods of the plant, average number of plant locul (castor beans) and weights 100 seeds is narrow. Broad sense heritability value magnitudes of characters of Agronomy resulting F1 generation long bean crosses of the results of the three genotypes for the variable age of flowering and the average length of lokul is high, harvest dried pods age variable, the number of pods of the plant, average number of pods of the plant, and the number of total seeds is medium, variable age pods fresh harvest, the number of stalks of flowers, the average length of the pods of the plant, average number of locul (castor bean) plants, seed plants, weights and weight of 100 seeds is low. Key words: keragaan, diversity, heritability, long beans, the F1 generation. TI - KERAGAAN, KERAGAMAN DAN HERITABILITAS KARAKTER AGRONOMI KACANG PANJANG (Vigna unguiculata) GENERASI F1 HASIL PERSILANGAN TIGA VARIETAS AV - restricted ER -