%A ADI PRATAMA MANGGALA PUTRA Priagus Irianto %T PETROPHYSICAL ANALYSING FOR DETERMINE POTENCY OF HYDROCARBON AT WELL ELP-23 PRABUMULIH FIELD USING INVERSION METHOD %X Well Logging play an important role in the activities of exploration and exploitation of oil and gas. Well logging is a technique for obtaining subsurface data by using a measuring instrument that is inserted into the wellbore, to evaluate the formation, identification of the characteristics of rocks in the subsurface and petrophysical analysis. Study of petrophysical properties can be done with qualitative analysis (quick look interpretation ) and quantitative analysis ( calculation ) which will then be acquired hydrocarbon zones in the form of productive layer thickness and the depth of the wells. The research Field is located in Prabumulih on working area PT Pertamina EP Region Sumatra. well logging carried out ELP-23 at a depth of 1374,9528 ? 2309,7744 m, which is divided into five zones based on hydrocarbon layer., zone 1 (one), 2 (two), 3 (three), 4 (four), and 5 (five). Where the data processed by using software Geoframe 4.4 with Inversion method . Cut-off value for hydrocarbon zones in the well is Vsh ? 27%, ? ? 15%, Sw ? 75%. Research results on the well ELP-23 suggests that hydrocarbon zones in zone 3 (three), 4 (four), and 5 (five) which is the Talang Akar formations. Where the net pay thickness is zone 3: 47.50 m, zone 4: 5,17 m, zone 5: 17,34 m. Keywords: Well Logging, Petrophysical, Geoframe 4.4, Cut-Off, net pay english Log sumur (Well Logging) memegang peranan penting dalam rangkaian kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi minyak dan gas bumi. Well logging merupakan suatu teknik untuk mendapatkan data bawah permukaan dengan menggunakan alat ukur yang dimasukkan ke dalam lubang sumur, untuk mengevaluasi formasi, identifikasi ciri- ciri batuan di bawah permukaan serta analisa Petrofisika. Studi sifat petrofisik dapat dilakukan dengan analisa kualitatif (quick look interpretation) dan analisa kuantitatif (perhitungan)dimana selanjutnya akan didapatkan zona hidrokarbon berupa ketebalan dan kedalaman lapisan produktif pada Sumur. Daerah penelitian terletak di Lapangan Prabumulih pada wilayah kerja PT. Pertamina EP Region Sumatera. Log sumur (Well Logging) pada Sumur ELP-23 dilakukanlogging pada kedalaman 1374,9528?2309,7744 m, yang dibagi menjadi 5 (lima) zona berdasarkan lapisan hidrokarbon yaitu, zona 1 (satu), 2 (dua), 3 (tiga), 4 (empat), dan 5 (lima). Dimana pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Geoframe 4.4menggunakan metode Inversi. Nilai cut-off untuk zona hidrokarbon pada sumur ini adalah Vcl ? 27%,?? 15%,Sw ? 76%. Hasil penelitian pada sumur ELP-23 menunjukkan bahwa zona hidrokarbon terdapat pada zona 3 (tiga), 4 (empat), dan 5 (lima) yang merupakan formasi Talang Akar. Dimana ketebalan net pay nya adalah Zona 3: 47,50 m, Zona 4: 5,17 m, Zona 5: 17,34 m . Kata kunci : Well Logging, Petrofisika, Geoframe 4.4, Cut-Off.net pay %C Universitas Lampung %D 2013 %I Fakultas Teknik %L eprints128