@misc{eprints1289, month = {Juli}, title = {Nannochloropsis sp CULTURED AT MICRO ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS (MES) CONDITION AS Brachionus plicatilis FEED}, author = {Tri Agustina Sipon }, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas Pertanian}, year = {2013}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/1289/}, abstract = {This research was done to know the Brachianus plicatilis density and its crude lipid content after feeding by Nannochloropsis sp. with Micro Environmental Stress (MES) treatment. The research conducted on October-November 2012 at zooplankton laboratory of Main Center for Mariculture Development of Lampung. The ratio of Nannochloropsis sp. treated by MES treatment given to Brachianus plicatilis was 50:1 cell/ml. It was given twice a day at 09.00 a.m. and 15.00 p.m. There was four treatments done and each treatment was repeated three times. The crude lipid proximate test was done by using Soxhlet method at Lampung State Polytechnic THP laboratory. The data analyzed using Chi-Square Method. The result showed that MES tend to influence the cell density of Brachianus plicatilis but it did not influence its crude lipid content. The regression relationship among Brachianus plicatilis density and its crude lipid content was relatively negative linear and weak. Key words: Brachionus plicatilis, crude lipid, salinity, nitrogen} }