%A RATIN SUPRIADI Samsuri dan Musiyah %T INCREASING SHORT-STORY WRITING ABILITY THROUGH STUDENT COLLABORATION TECHNIQUE CLASS VII SMP NEGERI 1 AMBARAWA ACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013 %X The background of this problem is that it is very low on the student? writing ability of class VII SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa academic year 2012/2013. That low ability could be seen from student? worksheets in making scientific paper or student? worksheet in the form of other writing forms, like writing paragraph, writing story, and other works. The students still made mistakes that could be seen from vairous views, for example, in writing by using capital letters, the use of sentences not in series, tidiness, the completion of writing pattern, incorrect dictions, ineffective sentences, and other mistakes of Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan (EYD). The technique used in this research was collaboration technique Dyadic Essay (Pairing Essay Writing) to increase the ability of students? short-story writing of class VII 1. By using the technique, teacher must be able to grow students? creativity, motivate them, and give learning innovation so that the learning conducted can run active, innovative, creative, effectic, and fun. In learning, teacher can ralate the learnt materials to experience possessed by students so that students are able to comprehend the material given. The research result showed that the use of collaboration technique Dyadic Essay type (Pairing Essay Writing) can increase the ability of students? short-story writing of class VII 1 SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa. Those can be seen the increase of process analysis and learning result. First cycle gained average score 69,66 with learning accomplishment 70,59%, second cycle gained average score 70,12 with learning accomplishment 73,53%, and third cycle gained average score 72,14 with the accomplishment 76,47%. So, the ability of students writing short-story in every cycles has an increase and successful indicator could be achieved. Key word: short-story writing, Dyadic Essay. %D 2013 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints1298