%0 Generic %A Elfaizi, Reza Fandana %C Universitas Lampung %D 2013 %F eprints:1333 %I Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan %T INCREASING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH PROBLEM SOLVING AT THE FIRST GRADE OF SMAN 1 SIMPANG PEMATANG %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/1333/ %X Problem solving is a technique that gives students opportunity to express their opinion based on the problem. Problem solving can help students become more interested and active. In problem solving students use their background knowledge and experience to understand their situation and solve the problem. There are two main objectives of this research namely, 1. To find out whether there is any significant difference of students’ speaking ability after being taught through problem solving. 2. To know which one is the most effective topic for teaching speaking. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Simpang Pematang. The sample of this research was students of tenth grade, class X1. The study employed times series design by giving three pre-tests, three treatments, and three post-tests. To collect data, the speaking test applied speaking performance. There were two raters to score students’ speaking performance. The result shows that there is significant difference of students’ speaking ability after being taught through problem solving. It means that problem solving can increase students speaking ability. The result of students’ mean score pre-test 1 is 62.3 up in post-test 1 is 71(gain is 8.7), pre-test 2 is 63.1 up in post-test 2 is 73.4 (gain is 10.3) ,and pre-test 3 is 64.2 up in post-test 3 is 76.8 (gain is 12.6). The reseacher also uses pair sample of SPSS. The result is 1st pair 26.187 (t-value) > 2. 048 (t-table) , 2nd pair 22.079 (t-value) > 2. 048 (t-table), 3rd pair 43.847 (t-value) > 2. 048 (t-table) means that there are significant differences of students’ speaking ability after being taught through problem solving. Therefore, the first hypothesis is accepted. Regarding the three topics given are; Friend, Family, and Holiday. The result of mean score for Friend topic is 66.86 and is up to 67.66 in Family topic and then the last topic, Holiday is up 68.18 So, the topic that give better speaking ability is Holiday. It might be due to the very familiar material to every student. The result prooves that problem solving using familiar topic can be recommended as a teaching technique as it gives better speaking ability.