%0 Generic %A M. Sahirjan,, Meyrisda Mifta Indah Sari %C Universitas Lampung %D 2013 %F eprints:1336 %I Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan %T THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THREE – STEP INTERVIEW TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING SPEAKING AT THE SECOND YEAR OF SMA N 1 RAMAN UTARA %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/1336/ %X Three – Step Interview is one of techniques which is expected to able to reduce students’ bored and can also improve students speaking ability. It consists of three components: ( 1 ) Student A interviews student B; ( 2 ) student B interviews student A; ( 3 ) Students make round robin format to share what has been done. The objectives of this research are to find out whether there is a significant difference of students’ performance after applying Three – Step Interview technique in 3 different topics in second grade of SMA N 1 Raman Utara and to find out the effect of students’ speaking achievement in every aspect of speaking. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Raman Utara Lampung Timur and the subject of the research was students of eleventh grade (class X1 IPA 2) in the academic year 2013/2014. This reserach was a quantitative research and the method was time series design. The data collecting technique was tests of speaking. There were two raters to judge students speaking performance. Repeated Measures T-test was used to analyze data and the hypothesis testing was computed using SPSS version 17.0 at the level significant 0.05. After anlyzing the data, the result shows that : (1)Three – Step Interview is applicable to increase the students speaking achievement in 3 different topics, especially in terms of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,fluency, and comprehension. It can be seen from the finding of the research in every post test. In post test 1 students mean score is 45.40 while in post test 2 it increases to 61.60; its gain is 16.2 and in post test 3 it increases up to 81.20 ; its gain is 19.6. The analysis of SPSS 17.0 shows that there is significant increase of students speaking achievement after applying Three – Step Interview in 3 different topics ; ( 2 ) Three – Step Interview technique gives good effect for the students’ speaking achievement in every aspect of speaking. It can be seen by the increase of the score of each aspect of speaking in every test of speaking. Based on the result of post test, and relating to the hypothesis, looking at the result and graphic line, it can be said that Three – Step Interview technique can be applied in teaching speaking in order to improve students speaking ability.