@misc{eprints1340, month = {April}, title = {THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RECIPROCAL TEACHING TECHNIQUE IN NARRATIVE TEXT TO INCREASE THE STUDENTS? READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT AT THE SECOND GRADE OF SMAN 1 KALIREJO}, author = {Widi Andewi Mulyono}, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan}, year = {2013}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/1340/}, abstract = {Reciprocal Teaching Technique is a process of teaching reading which promotes students? thinking and problem-solving skills while reading. It consists of four main strategies: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. The instructional strategies of Reciprocal Teaching Technique are based on teacher modeling and guiding pratice and students paraticing reading tasks by taking turns leading and conducting discussion in small groups in order to bring meaning on the text (Palinscar and Brown, 1984). This research is aimed at: 1) finding out whether implementing RTT in narrative text can increase the students? reading comprehension achievement, and 2) finding out the problems faced by the students in learning reading comprehension through RTT. The data were obtained from the pre-test and post-test to find out whether implementing RTT in narrative text can increase the students? reading comprehension achievement, and also from the observation and interview to find out the problems faced by the students in learning reading comprehension through RTT. The sample of this research was XI IPS 3 class of Second Grade of SMAN 1 Kalirejo in the year 2012/2013 The result shows that the students? mean score of the pre-test is 45.67 and their mean score of the post-test after being taught through RTT is 64.64, in which their gain score is 18.96. Specifically, RTT has increased the students? reading comprehension in all aspects of reading comprehension, such as determining main idea, finding specific information, inference, reference and understanding vocabulary. RTT mostly has increased the students? reading comprehension in reference, in which their ability in that aspect has increased significantly by 30\%. Based on the obsevation and interview during the treatments, the students faced the problems in doing the four strategies of RTT in learning reading iii comprehension, as follow: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and particularly in summarizing. However, after implementing RTT in teaching reading comprehension more frequently, the students were gradually able to overcome those problems. Based on the results above, it could be concluded that: 1) RTT can increase the students? reading comprehesion achievement in narrative text ,and 2) RTT could overcome the problems students faced during the treatments of teaching reading through RTT.} }