%0 Generic %A Gembong, GESTIANA PURWANINGTIAS %C Universitas Lampung %D 2013 %F eprints:137 %I Fakultas KIP %T INCREASING STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN SUMMARIZING RECOUNT TEXT OF WRITING SKILL THROUGH THINK PAIR SHARE TECHNIQUE AT THE SECOND YEAR OF SMPN 1 SEPUTIH AGUNG, LAMPUNG TENGAH 2013 %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/137/ %X Writing is productive skill in the written form. Through writing, students can express their understanding of problems or idea of text. Writing summary of text is a productive skill in written form, which students do after they read text or article. Think Pair Share technique is a cooperative technique, where students are trained to “think” about the topic, then discuss and write their summary in “pair”, and finally “share” it in front of the class. Students usually have many difficulties in writing especially in summarizing text. They are still confused about how to write it. To solve this problem, the researcher chose Think Pair Share technique, which can help students by working together in pair to write their summary. This research is intended to find out whether there is an increase of students’ writing ability in summarizing text of writing after being taught through TPS technique and to find out the students’ activity in learning process using TPS technique. The researcher administered this research at SMPN 1 Seputih Agung, Lampung Tengah. It applied one group pre test post test design. The participants included one class at the second year, the class was VIIIC. This research was conducted based on experimental method. The class was chosen by using simple random sampling. The data was in the form of score which was taken from pre test and post test. The data was analyzed by using T-Test. The result of the research shows that there is an increase from pretest (53.33) to posttest (72.11) after being taught by using TPS technique, gain is 18.78. The result of the computation shows that the value of two tailed significance is 0.000. It means that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected since 0.000 < 0.05. Thus, it is proven that TPS technique can be used to increase students’ ability in summarizing text. The increase includes all aspects of writing: language use from 11.73 up to 17.98 (6.25), organization from 11.06 up to 15.04 (3.98), content from 16.26 up to 20.20 (3.94), vocabulary from 11.73 up to 15.32 (3.59), and mechanics from 2.52 up to 3.50 (0.98). As an addition, TPS also increase students’ ability in summarizing text and improve students’ activity in learning process. The average precentage of active students increase during the first until the third treatment. The increase can be seen from the observation sheet that the precentage is from 68.29% up to 76.08%. Thus, it is concluded that TPS technique can be applied and recommended as a reference to teach writing skill.