%A 1014051060 Deni Setiawan %T ANALISIS PERILAKU KONSUMEN DALAM PEMBELIAN KOPI LUWAK DI CV. DUTA LUWAK BROTHER?S LINK (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Lampung Barat) %X Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mengidentifikasi proses keputusan yang dilakukan konsumen dalam pembelian kopi luwak merek Duta Luwak Brother?s Link. (2) Menganalisis tingkat kepuasan konsumen terhadap kopi luwak merek Duta Luwak Brother?s Link. (3) Mendapatkan alternatif kebijakan pemasaran berdasarkan studi perilaku konsumen terhadap pemasaran kopi luwak merek Duta Luwak Brother?s Link. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei lapangan menggunakan teknik wawancara dan kuisioner. Responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 32 responden. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif, model angka ideal, Importance Performance Analisis (IPA) dan Costumer Satisfaction Indeks (CSI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses keputusan yang dilakukan konsumen dalam pembelian kopi luwak merek Duta Luwak Brother?s Link dalam pengenalan kebutuhan dengan cara sekedar coba-coba sebesar 50%, untuk kepuasan sebesar 69%. Hasil analisis multiatribut angka ideal didapatkan nilai sikap responden terhadap Kopi Luwak Duta Luwak Brother?s Link adalah 17,3 artinya Kopi Luwak termasuk kategori sangat baik. Hasil analisis Important Performance Analysis (IPA) menunjukkan bahwa atribut kopi luwak Duta Luwak Brother?s Link yang dirasa konsumen kurang puas adalah tentang iklan dan promosi. Atribut yang harus dipertahankan kinerjanya adalah Label halal MUI, Izin depkes, rasa, originalitas produk dan kualitas produk. Atribut yang tidak menjadi prioritas untuk diperbaiki adalah harga, merek, kejelasan tanggal kadaluarsa, kuantitas/ isi produk. Atribut yang kinerjanya berlebihan adalah kemasan, aroma, ketersediaan produk, jenis kemasan. Hasil Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) konsumen kopi luwak yang mencapai 77,76 persen berada pada selang 0,66 sampai dengan 0,80, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa secara umum indeks kepuasan konsumen untuk atribut yang diuji dalam kriteria puas. Kata kunci: kopi luwak, perilaku konsumen, harga, IPA, dan CSI The purpose of this research were (1) to identify decision process conducted by consumers in the purchase of civet coffee in CV. Duta Luwak Brother?s Link. (2) to analyze levels of customer satisfaction for civet coffee of Duta Luwak Brother?s Link brands. (3) to obtain an alternative marketing policy based on the study of behavior of consumers on the civet coffee marketing of Duta Luwak Brother?s Link brands. This research was done by survey methods. Respondent who used in this research as many as 32 of respondents. The data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis , ideal model numbers , Importance Performance Analysis ( IPA ) and Costumer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The results of research showed that process of the decision by the consumers in the purchase of civet coffee of Duta Luwak Brother?s Link in the introduction of the needs of by means of a trial and error by 50 percent, for the satisfaction of 69 percent. The analysis of figures obtain multiatribut ideal the value of the attitude of respondents of civet coffee of Duta Luwak Brother?s Link is 17.3. It means civet coffee is in the category of very good coffee. The result of Important Performance Analysis (IPA) showed that the attribute of Duta Luwak Brother?s Link which were less than satisfied customers were advertising and promotion. The attributes that must be maintained its performance were Halal Label MUI , permission ministry of finance , a sense of novelty products and product quality. The attributes that must be improved were price , brand, clarity the expiration date, quantity / the contents of the product. Whose the attributes that had excessive performance were packaging , the aroma , the availability of products, and the type of packaging. The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) consumer of coffee civet which reached 77,76 percent where is in the 0,66 per 0,80 scale, which can be said in the satisfied criteria. Keyword: civet coffee, consumer behavior, price, IPA, and CSI %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2015 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %L eprints13945