%A 1117041010 Dwi Vaolina Sari %T SISTEM PENGUKURAN SUHU TANAH MENGGUNAKAN DS18B20 DAN PERHITUNGAN RESISTIVITAS TANAH MENGGUNAKAN METODE GEOLISTRIK RESISTIVITAS KONFIGURASI WENNER %X Karakteristik tanah yang penting adalah suhu dan resistivitas. Penelitian ini mengukur suhu tanah dengan sensor DS18B20. Beda potensial diukur dengan metode geolistrik resistivitas konfigurasi Wenner dan arus diukur dengan multimeter digital. Pengukuran dikendalikan oleh Arduino Uno. Jenis logam, yaitu stainless. Jarak setiap logam adalah 10 cm. Rata-rata nilai suhu pasir adalah 28.70C, suhu tanah kebun adalah 27.310C, dan suhu tanah di jurusan Fisika adalah 26.20C. Resistivitas pasir adalah 2422.748 ?m, resistivitas tanah kebun adalah 22.81712 ?m, dan resistivitas tanah di jurusan Fisika adalah 16.3033 ?m. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai suhu meningkat maka nilai resitivitas meningkat. Kata Kunci. Sensor DS18B20, Konfigurasi wenner, Suhu Tanah, Resistivitas Tanah MEASUREMENT OF SOIL TEMPERATURE USING DS18B20 AND ITS RESISTIVITY USING WENNER?S CONFIGURATION OF GEOELECTRIC METHOD The important characteristics of soil are temperature and resistivity. This research measured the soil temperature using DS18B20 sensor. The potential difference has been measured by the geoelectric using Wenner configuration and the current has been measured by the digital multimeter. The measurement is controlled by Arduino Uno. This type of metal is steel. The distance of each metal is 10 cm. The average value of the sand temperature was 28.70C, garden soil temperature was 27.310C, and soil temperature at the Department of Physics was 26.20C. Resistivity sand was 2422.748 ?m, garden soil resistivity was 22.81712 ?m, and soil resistivity at the Department of Physics was 16.3033 ?m. The results showed that if the temperature increases, so the value increases resistivity. Key words: Sensor DS18B20, Wenner configuration, soil temperature, soil resistivity %C Universitas Lampung %D 2015 %I Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam %L eprints14054