%A NOVITA NURDIANA 0613042040 %J Digital Library %T AN ANALYSIS OF NEGOTIATION OF MEANING AT THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF SMAN 4 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X ABSTRACT Negotiation of meaning is used by learners of second or foreign language to overcome some misunderstandings that might occur in an interaction. When misunderstandings occur in the process of interaction the interlocutor gets difficulties to keep their interaction going on so they try to alter communication strategies including negotiation of meaning as the effective solution. It appears to be an important element in facilitating speakers to gain comprehensible input and to produce comprehensible output. It can provide comprehensible input for non-native speakers, based on either the medications of speech by non-native speaker as responses to non-native speaker signals of non-understanding, or native speaker signals for non-understanding in the form of confirmation check with elaboration. It can increase the sustainability of the conversation and open more opportunities for participants to provide comprehensible input and produce more comprehensible output. Negotiation of meaning can also function as an indication of communication pursuit. The more the participants negotiate more the interactions occur. It occurs when two or more participants involved in oral interaction and found a potential for the communication to breakdown. The researcher then decided to focus on this problem. Thereby, this research is aimed to analyze the components for negotiation of meaning that are used by students of Senior High School. The researcher used Hery Yufrizal?s study (2007) in negotiation of meaning to classify the components used by students. The researcher used two types of tasks in order to investigate the type of components in negotiation of meaning that were used by participants. These are jigsaw and information gap (Yufrizal, 2007). After analysing data of the research, the writer found out that (1) most of students of SMAN 4 Bandar Lampung committed all the twelve components of negotiation of meaning in their interactions with total number 147 items. (2)The total number of trigger is 53 items (36.05%), Confirmation Check through Repetition is 2 items (1.36%), Confirmation Check through Modification is 6 items (4.08%), Confirmation Check through Completion is 14 items (9.52%), Clarification of Request is 27 items (18.36%), Response Self Repetition is 12 items (8.16%), Response Other-Repetition is 4 items (2.72%), Response Self-Modification is 7 items (4.76%), Response Other-modification is 5 items (3.40%), Confirm or Negate Response is 2 items (1.36%), Follow-up is 15 item (10.20%). %D 2011 %L eprints14074