@article{eprints14555, title = {Karakteristik Sosial Ekonomi Keluarga Yang Istrinya Bekerja Sebagai Buruh Industri Roti Surya Modern Bakery Di Desa Purwodadi Kecamatan Trimurjo Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Tahun 2012}, author = {Ria Siti Nur Hasanah 0813034043}, year = {2012}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/14555/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang karakteristik sosial ekonomi keluarga yang istrinya bekerja sebagai buruh industri Roti Surya Modern Bakery di Desa Purwodadi tahun 2012. Titik tekan kajiannya pada: umur, pendidikan, curahan jam kerja, lama kerja, jumlah anak yang dimiliki, upah, dan sumbangan-nya terhadap tingkat pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok minimum keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 103 buruh, diambil sampel 40\% (41 buruh). Pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara terstruktur dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dengan tabel silang dan persentase sebagai dasar deskripsi dan interpretasi dalam pembuatan laporan penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan : (1) Sebanyak 90,2\% buruh berusia produktif penuh dan perbedaan umur tidak membedakan upah (2) Perbedaan tingkat pendidikan buruh tidak membedakan upah yang diterima (3) Semua buruh memiliki rata-rata jam kerja tinggi (37 jam/minggu) karena sistem pengupahan berbeda antara buruh produksi (Rp 700.000/bulan) dan packing (Rp 396.462/bulan) maka curahan jam kerja tidak membedakan upah (4) Lama masa kerja buruh packing membedakan upah yang diterima karena keterampilan yang dimiliki. Namun, upah untuk buruh produksi tidak berbeda (5) Rata-rata jumlah anak yang dimiliki keluarga buruh adalah 2 anak/keluarga, paling sedikit 1 anak/keluarga dan paling banyak 10 anak/keluarga (6) Total pendapatan buruh wanita (Rp21.508.000/bulan) telah mampu menyumbang 41 \% dari total pendapatan keluarga (Rp 64.358.000/bulan) (7) Tingkat pemenuhan pokok minimum keluarga sebelum istri bekerja yang terpenuhi 48,8 \% dan menjadi 90,2\% setelah disumbang istri yang bekerja. ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to find out the socio-economic characteristics of the family whose wife works as laborer in Surya Modern Bakery at Purwodadi Village, Trimurjo District, Central Lampung in the year of 2012. The research focused on: the age, education level, working hours, working time, number of children, wages, and the contributions to the fulfillment of the minimum requirements in the family. In this research, the researcher used descriptive method. The population in this research were 103 laborers, were taken 40\% of sample (41 labors). The data collecting techniques of the research were observation, structured interviews and documentation. As data analysis, the researcher used cross-tabulations and percentage as the basis of description and interpretation in the making of this research report. The results of this research indicated that: (1) There were 90,2\% of productive laborers and the difference in age did not affect on the wages. (2) The difference of laborers? education level did not differentiate the wages. (3) All of the laborers had evenly high working hours. (4) The packing laborers? working time differentiated the wages because of the skills they had. But, the wages for production laborers were not different. (5) On average, the number of laborers? children were 2 children/family, the least were 1 child/family and the most were 10 children/family. (6) The total income of the wife who worked as laborer (Rp 21,508,000/month) had contributed 41\% of the total family income (Rp 64,358,000/month). (7) The fulfillment of the minimum requirements in the family before the wife worked as laborer was 48,8\% and it improved to 90,2\% after the contribution of the wife who had worked. } }