%A Silka Samarindo 0713042012 %J Digital Library %T Analyzing Teacher?s Feedback Used in Teaching Speaking : A Case Study at the First Year of SMA IT AR RAIHAN Bandar Lampung %X In teaching English, teachers have to consider several aspects that can affect the result of teaching-learning process. One of the strategies for assissting the students is by giving feedback. By giving feedback, teachers can support the student to learn better and improve their motivation to learn English. Therefore, The objectives of this research are to find out how the feedback are given by the teacher, and investigate the students? responses toward the teacher?s feedback and to identify the students? and teacher?s perception toward feedback used in teaching speaking. The design of this research is case study which analyzes how verbal feedbacks were given based on Tunstall & Gipps? typology and how student?s responses toward teacher?s feedback. The feedback were focused on three speaking aspects, namely; pronunciation, comprehension, and vocabulary. The result shows that the teacher gave seven out of the eight feedbacks. There are four types of evaluative feedbacks and three types of descriptive feedbacks. There are 44 % feedbacks given to students? pronunciation amounting of 86 feedbacks. The dominant feedbacks were categorized to descriptive feedbacks, 41% feedbacks given to students? comprehension amounting of are 80 feedbacks. The dominant feedbacks of students? comprehension were categorized to evaluative feedbacks. The last,15% feedbacks given to students? vocabulary amounting of 30 feedbacks. The dominat feedbacks were categorized to evaluative feedbacks. The researcher suggests that in terms of students? responses toward the feedback, facilitating feedback can motivate students in learning speaking. Furthermore, adjusting feedback with students? characteristics is important to be applied by the teacher. %D 2013 %L eprints14914