%0 Journal Article %A 0853042026, MUJIONO %D 2013 %F eprints:14936 %J Digital Library %T The Implementation of Role Play in Increasing Students’ Speaking Ability at the Second Grade of SMK PGRI 1 Kota Agung %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/14936/ %X The objective of this research is to find out whether there is a significant increase of students’ speaking ability after being taught through Role Play. The population of this research is the second year of SMK PGRI 1 Kota Agung Tanggamus, Lampung that consists of 6 classes and one class is taken as the sample. The sample is selected by using the random sampling technique by using lottery. This is a quantitative research and one group pretest-posttest design was employed. This research was conducted in 5 meetings for 3 weeks. The pretest was conducted before the treatment and posttest was conducted after the treatment. In this research the writer focuses on speaking ability in forms of interpersonal dialogue. The criteria for evaluating students’ speaking ability were based on rating scale by Haris that there are 5 aspects of speaking, namely pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and grammar. The result of pretest shows that the mean score of students’ pronunciation is 10.40. The mean score of students’ vocabulary is 9.33. The mean score of students’ fluency is 9.33. The mean score of students’ comprehension is 9.33. The mean score of students’ grammar is 8.26. The total score of students’ speaking in pretest is 1410 and the mean score of students’ speaking ability is 47.00. The result of posttest shows that the mean score of students’ pronunciation is 13.20. The mean score of students’ vocabulary is 13.73. The mean score of students’ fluency is 12.66. The mean score of students’ comprehension is 13.20, and the mean score of students’ grammar is 13.06. The total score of students’ speaking in posttest is 1972 and the mean score of students’ speaking ability is 65.73. It was therefore concluded that Role Play could significantly increase students speaking ability. The conclusion was known by seeing the progress of students’ mean score and the total gained score of the students’ speaking ability from pretest to posttest.